It was a wartime practice designed to strip cover from the hiding enemy, deprive them of food, and clear out areas around U.S. positions. The EPA calls it a carcinogen (something that causes cancer).

Maybe Not, Study Shows11+ Reported Health Benefits of Basil SeedsDr.

During the Vietnam War, a phenoxy-herbicide mixture called Agent Orange, which was contaminated with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin, or TCDD, was used primarily for destruction of forest and other foliage in order to prevent enemy troop movement and protect American and allied troops and military bases in the south of Vietnam. Millions more Vietnamese civilians were directly sprayed.The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: "Hypertension Upgraded in Latest Biennial Review of Research on Health Problems in Veterans That May Be Linked to Agent Orange Exposure During Vietnam War. The VA says military members serving in Korea and in Thailand, and some who helped transport the deadly herbicide even if they weren't stationed in Vietnam, may have come in contact with it, too. But at what cost to veterans who showed adverse health symptoms earlier?When you add up the chemicals of Monsanto, other biotech companies, food companies, and toxic industrial waste products purposely put in our water, along with toxic drugs and ‘medical’ treatments that kill us instead of cure us, what are we left to believe?With 79.4 Million Obese Citizens, the U.S. is Leading in ObesityThe legacy of Agent Orange and Monsanto’s attempt to defoliate the hiding places of the Viet Cong is still apparent in modern Vietnam, but All these GM crops and the chemicals that go with them are warfare.

More than two generations after its first use, Agent Orange continues to be a major health issue for both the people exposed and their children.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences: "Dioxins. Große Landstriche sahen aus wie nach einem Atomangriff.

All rights reserved.U.S. Agent orange was a mixture of two different chemicals. This most hated company in the world (and its multinationals) don’t feed the world – they poison it with biological warfare chemicals.Ancient Medicine: Black Seed Oil’s 21 Powerful Health BenefitsOn the surface, it looks as though these companies are greed-motivated, which they are, but the truth of their great chemical dreams is more subverting. It allows for evaluations of studies on the health effects of the herbicide from time to time.

Moreover, the US military, who commissioned Monsanto and Dow, among other chemical companies to create Agent Orange, 6 of the Best Natural Remedies for ArthritisOne of the primary chemicals used in Agent Orange, named so because the canisters they were transported in were painted with bright orange stripes, is 2,4-D, but other chemicals were also contained within those canisters.Nevermind that these very same multinational companies have scoured these countries for every natural resource they have and could solve simple diseases with a two cent vitamin, not by creating things like genetically modified ‘Golden Rice’ to prevent malnourished children who go blind (or so they claim). Glyphosate residue is now in almost every food we eat, from packaged foods sold in the grocery store to eggs and even meat and poultry because the animals that were fed GM Bt corn and soy were eating traces of toxic chemicals.Furthermore, 2,4-D resistant crops were just given a rubber stamp, even though the Another clue for this chemical warfare can be found in the products made by food companies like Heinz, Knorr, SlimFast, and Best Foods, just to name a few, believed to have ties with the How You’re Probably Chewing and Drinking Yourself SickCase in point: many GM companies work with and through AGRA, which is supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to “feed the starving African children.” You may have noticed that many GM foods are sent to Africa and other poor nations as part of “aid” packages.Is “Non-Toxic” Nail Polish Really Non-Toxic? 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a major ingredient in Agent Orange, has played a role in over 400,00 birth defects since the Vietnam era. Does the military machine ask for America’s permission when they decide to invade a foreign country? It was a wartime practice designed to strip cover from the hiding enemy, deprive them of food, and clear out areas around U.S. positions.U.S.

The other, if used properly is safe and has been done so for decades. It's been updated about every 2 years since.If you or anyone you know has an illness that you think may be linked to Agent Orange, the VA offers free exams to eligible veterans.

"Hertz-Picciotto, I.

They can help with any compensation claims you may want to file, too.Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have DiabetesLiver Cancer: Symptoms, Tests, and TreatmentsAmerican Cancer Society: "Known and Probable Human Carcinogens," "Agent Orange and Cancer Risk.