They are natives and adapted to growing in the Northeast and Northwest areas of the US.The bulblets will not flower for 3 or 4 years. Call 1-800-392-1111 to report poaching and arson Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Nonwoody PlantsThis species has a fascinating relationship with ants: The seeds of Dutchman’s breeches have a fleshy part that ants relish. Blooms March–May. Jill, Bear's Breeches are a different plant. It’s not recommended that you ingest this plant.
The plants flower in March or April depending on your growing zone. You can transplant your seedlings outdoors after your last frost. It is thought that the two populations were separated about 1,000 years ago. Flowers 4–10 per stalk, stalk leafless, often leaning; flowers white or faint pink, with 2 diverging spurs (the “breeches”).

The leaves appear in very early spring. When you purchase them, what you will receive are The plants do not need to be fertilized. Dutchman’s breeches, (Dicentra cucullaria), herbaceous plant of the poppy family (Papaveraceae) named for its sprays of tremulous, yellow-tipped white flowers that fancifully resemble the wide-legged, traditional pantaloons worn by Dutch men. Dutchman’s breeches are part of, what was formerly, the Fumitory family (Fumariaceae).
Note its bluish-green, fernlike leaves, and its leafless stalks, from which dangle several white flowers shaped like old-fashioned knee breeches. Always wear gloves when handling this plant. Today, it is most popular as a dainty spring wildflower.More Wildflowers, Grasses and Other Nonwoody PlantsRich slopes of woods, bottomlands, streamsides; demands excellent drainage and humus-rich soil.Statewide, except for the Southeast Lowlands.We protect and manage the fish, forest, and wildlife of the state. Native Americans used Dutchman’s Breeches medicinally to treat skin conditions, syphilis and as a blood conditioner. Bumblebees are also large enough and strong enough to open the flowers to get to the pollen inside.Deer and rabbits also avoid these plants. The leaves will yellow and die by June at the latest, so plan on having other After the 6 to 8 weeks, remove the container from your freezer, remove the plastic bag and place the container in a spot that gets very little sunlight such as a north facing window. The seeds need the cold weather of winter to germinate the following spring. This type of seed dispersal is called myrmecochory. It contains alkaloids that can cause problems with your heart and brain as well as contact dermatitis. Plant the seeds in a container of pre-moistened soil, barely covering them. Just expect leaves until then.You're welcome! The flowers are preferentially pollinated by bumblebees because they are flying at that time of year. Dicentra is derived from the Greek for two-spurred, and the Latin word for hood. From its leafless stalks dangle several white flowers shaped like old-fashioned knee breeches.This plant had many historic medicinal uses among Native Americans and pioneers, but it is apparently toxic and can cause skin rashes in some people. The seeds will be slow to germinate, a few weeks, so be patient. That is how long it will take them to grow corms that will support a flowering plant.You can also start seeds indoors. Keep the soil moist. Now the Fumitory family is a subfamily of the Poppy family (Papaveraceae). The now-dispersed seeds can then germinate in the rich soil of an ant nest.Dutchman's Breeches at LaBarque Creek Conservation AreaDutchman’s breeches has bluish-green, fernlike leaves. It will take 3 to 4 years for your seedlings to bloom.