Sat 18 Aug 2007 01:58 The prosecution threshold will be around 79. Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway?

Dream car or Budget, which comes first?

- Ijaz

Sat 18 Aug 2007 00:06 Presume that means another 3 points would result in a ban.

- Vin {P} Despite pressure from employers I do not exceed the speed limit, which makes it awkward because most other drivers do. However, that was before we started taking electric cars seriously!Could any concerns about additional pollution start to become null and void when the The manager of our local speed scamera partership has publicly announced on local TV that he would pay the fines of anyone who could prove that they had been prosecuted within the 35 MPH threshold.

I appreciate... You're FAR more likely to be pulled in an urban area, so stick religiously to 30 and 40mph limits.

I got pulled by for doing 80 on an otherwise empty motorway at 04:45 a.m.

How to work out your true speed? A survey by the campaigners against charges and taxes on UK motorists {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed.

Movilogo - forget the suggestions about GPS and the nuances over the ACPO guidelines of 10% plus 2 m.p.h.

Fri 17 Aug 2007 14:35 Fri 17 Aug 2007 15:18 - Sofa Spud Best way to avoid points is to obey the law. In those days they still used film so presumably it's run out.Note that ACPO doesn't apply in Scotland, not all forces use it in England, Wales and Northern Ireland - and importantly it can always be overridden in compelling incidents.Land Rover Defender gets new engines and plug-in hybrid tech for 2021

Fri 17 Aug 2007 16:27

Fri 17 Aug 2007 13:35 Fri 17 Aug 2007 14:00 : we can all decide if our car is safe. every 1s spedo is different for each make of car 81 on my dash is 77 true speed try downloading a speed test on googleplay quite accurate.

Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway?

With sat nav, it tells you how fast you are travelling. Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway? Fashion world mulls post-COVID futureWill banks start CHARGING savers and PAYING borrowers? Professor Stephen Glaister, director of the RAC Foundation, said: 'There are good reasons for making 80 … Can you help? In this article let’s have a look at the pros and cons to decide should the motorway speed limit be raised to 80 mph. Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway?

I went on a speed awareness course and the general concensus was that speeding is speeding no leeway given if they don't feel like giving leeway. I sent my passport to DVLA but I need it for a holiday in August and haven't had it returned. Fri 17 Aug 2007 15:41 Sat 28 Feb 2015 17:21 On another note- I recall being a little shocked as it was a forward facing truvelo which blinded me for several seconds which I felt was a bit dangerous. Everything you need to know about your parking rights Fri 17 Aug 2007 14:12

Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway? Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway?

Fri 27 Feb 2015 21:43 Sun 19 Aug 2007 16:59 Wait and see if you're offered a speed awareness course. Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway? Any better suggestion, I just don't Wana get 3 points

Hi i got speed ticket on m6 Cumbria doing 81mph, any suggestions please??

Anyone ever caught for doing 80 mph on motorway?

By and large, the intention is to increase the limit from 70 to 80 mph. I know many roads where a 30mph limit is posted, but 40mph would probably be safe, whereas a bit further on the 30mph limit changes to 40 or 50 mph just before a winding stretch, and no-one but a fool would exceed 30 mph.