Theatre & Dance Cut-price fashion chain Primark published details on Wednesday of factories in its supply chain to prove it had nothing to hide in its push to sell products that are free of slave labour. Labour Rights: It’s a Start. Primark was tipped off about child labour being used for its garments by the BBC’s Panorama programme. {{#replies}} will be published daily in dedicated articles. According to Primark's code of conduct, workers should have a maximum 48-hour week, voluntary overtime, wages allowing them to meet basic needs, good sanitation and the right to join a union.Please {{#sender.isSelf}} Visit LONDON, Feb 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Cut-price fashion chain Primark published details on Wednesday of factories in its supply chain to prove it had nothing to hide in its push to sell products that are free of slave labour.“It is one more step in meeting consumer expectations and we hope that other brands and retailers will follow this example,” said the executive director of the ETI, a global alliance of trade unions, firms and charities promoting worker rights.A growing number of big brands, from sportswear giant Adidas to fashion retailers H&M and ASOS, are sharing information about their supply chains amid mounting regulatory and consumer pressure on companies to ensure their products are slavery-free. Show{{#moreThan3_total}} {{value_total}} {{/moreThan3_total}} commentsPlease Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when
War on Want declined to name the factory to prevent reprisals or the cancellation of contracts, which might throw the workers out of a job. War on Want says they cannot afford nutritious food, decent housing or adequate healthcareEmail already exists.

try again, the name must be unique Sport videos Women say they suffer physical and verbal abuse for enquiring about pay and overtime.Enter your email to follow new comments on this article.There are no Independent Premium comments yet - be the first to add your thoughtsWant to discuss real-world problems, be involved in the most engaging discussions and hear from the journalists? "Primark says factories must provide a "safe and hygienic" working environment, clean toilets and potable water.Monday - Friday plus breaking news alerts by email

Workers are "exhausted and malnourished"

(Reporting By Kieran Guilbert, Editing by Lyndsay Griffiths. Allegations of … Due to the sheer scale of this comment community, we are not able to give each post
Please Simon McRae, senior campaigns officer at War on Want, said: "Our research underlines the abuse which faces overseas garment workers producing high-street clothes. One employee, Madhovi, 21, said: "My mother is losing her sight in our family's village. "Workers interviewed were exhausted and malnourished," it said. Shoppers cannot rely on retailers to police themselves." Primark is an Irish fast-fashion retailer with headquarters in Dublin, also operating in the United States. According to War on Want, most employees live in slum homes with up to three family members per room, without access to clean water or hygienic toilets. Health insurance He called for new legislation to improve the lives of foreign workers making clothes for British stores.Please enter a valid email address Primark. The average week is 70 hours. Want to bookmark your favourite articles and stories to read or reference later? If true, the allegations would breach a code of conduct introduced by Primark to improve the treatment of workers amid allegations of exploitation.

Primark has been involved in child labor … Create a commenting name to join the debateAre you sure you want to mark this comment as inappropriate? Primark's code of conduct says wages would be "enough to meet basic needs and to provide discretionary income".No hype, just the advice and analysis you need Movers List

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