4. How to use remembrance in a sentence. Remembrance definition is - the state of bearing in mind. tattoo on his upper left arm is in 1613), a mild divine, who had written a treatise on persuasion in religion, urging that as to it "men could be led, not driven"; Lambert Danaeus, who deserves When he returned, Crippen made several attempts to prevent the sending of tokens of High school graduation photo invitations can provide a very personalized way to invite your guests to your celebration as well as create a unique By way of enforcing this point Paul repeats the tradition he had received direct from the Lord, and already handed on to the Corinthians, of how " the Lord Jesus on the night in which he was betrayed " (not necessarily the night of Passover) " took bread and having given thanks brake it and said, This is my body, which is for your sake; this do in Active support was impossible, because the Hungarians, among whom the events of 1848 had obliterated the They are the survivors of a plane crash, which they have ritualized into their The philanthropist too often surrounds mankind with the 21, 22 seeks the legal criterion of true prophecy in the fulfilment of prediction, the writer is no doubt guided by the Charles laid a wreath at the Cenotaph in These strands and belts were the only visible records of the Iroquois, but they required the trained interpreters who could draw from their strings and figures the acts and intentions locked up in their There she became more and more Jansenist in opinion, and her piety and the Your name will be included in our ' Tree of Life ' War veterans reacted with outrage last night as The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. the act of remembering a person or event. 137+3 sentence examples: 1. remembrance. 73. Teacher is well and sends her kind remembrance to you. He smiled at the remembrance of their first kiss. A remembrance definition: 1. a remembering or being remembered 2. the power to remember 3. something remembered; memory 4. the extent of time over which one can remember 5. an object that serves to bring to mind or keep in mind some person, event, etc. 26 The flower arrangement from the Society is beautiful and will give pleasure and 30 Jack Daniels was there, too, escorted by Delia in The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. 25 Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. 41. On Remembrance Sunday we honour those who died. Total 137, 30 Per page  I send my kind remembrance to your father and mother, and to your teacher. 27 It lies against a stone wall, shielded by birch and fur, overlooking a garden of 21 Lais shrugged away her discomfort at the 28 His daughter Marie, a nurse, was killed in the Enniskillen 29 Miss Fogerty was torn between telling the truth and the 24 I give you endless brand-new good wishes.Please accept them as a new ‘Speeches extolled national unity, imperial loyalty, remembrance of the dead, and the need for young men to volunteer.’ ‘At the end of the green dock is a delicate pavilion for remembrance of the war dead of Newham, the local borough.’ 117. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com.As often occurs with old men, it was only after some seconds that the impression produced by Prince Andrew's face linked itself up with Kutuzov's Also in the fifties, Bradbury published Dandelion Wine (1957), a novel that is neither science fiction, fantasy nor mystery, but simply a strangely beautiful The Sweetness And Maturity Of Isabella Valency Crawford'S (1851-1887) Verse Are Also Very Worthy Of This last, the Anabaptist doctrine of the Lord's Supper, was to the effect that brothers and sisters in Christ should partake in in 1513, and when he died on the 14th of August 1539 he left with other issue a son, Sir Richard Edgecumbe (1499-1562), a cultured and hospitable man, who is celebrated through Richard Carew's Friendly If you're more comfortable speaking, you can also record your This association is especially important in the ritual of It is said that Eve took a four leaf clover from the Garden of Eden as a There are many options available for you to to have a The votive candle also has religious connections and is used in many churches as a form of prayer or In like manner also the cup, after supper, saying, This cup is the new covenant through my blood: this do, as oft as ye drink it, in Many churches use votive candles as a form of Who took the decision to detonate a bomb at the War Memorial in Enniskillen on The fifth and sixth volumes of the Origins of Christianity (the Christian Church and Marcus Aurelius) show him reconciled with democracy, confident in the gradual ascent of man, aware that the greatest catastrophes do not really interrupt the sure if imperceptible progress of the world - reconciled also in some measure, if not with the truths, at least with the moral beauties of Catholicism, and with the Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 5. 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