It is unarmed, with no teeth but sharp margins. Full sun or broken shade. It also makes an impressive statement planted in any residential yard - provided you have the space. There are no comments yet. Can reach total height of 50' x 20 ' spread with a caliper of 3 to 4 feet. Sabal causiarum Name Synonyms Inodes causiarum O.F.Cook Inodes glauca Dammer Sabal haitensis Becc. Sabal causiarum Puerto Rico palmetto Sabal etonia scrub palmetto Sabal mexicana Rio Grande palmetto Sabal minor dwarf palmetto Sabal palmetto cabbage palmetto Legal Status. The species are readily distinguished on the basis of fruit size and shape. The trunk grows vertically at just 5-6 inches per year for the first 10 years as the trunk fills into its massive girth, after which the trunk will grow at a faster pace eventually reaching 50 feet. Sabal haitensis Becc. This version has abundant papery lingules.The fronds of this heat loving palm reach an impressive height, expanding over 12 to 14 feet, even on relatively young specimens. Fruit from this species is 1/3 inch, round, black when ripe.The trunk retains its leaf bases for many years forming the Sabal's trademark crisscross pattern. the juçara palm (Euterpe edulis) and 71.7% (104) in the hat palm (Sabal..... causiarum ). Wholesale prices available to resellers. The leaf is 6 feet long, deeply folded and arched, 3 feet wide (folded) and about 4 feet long , costapalmate, deep green with induplicate splitting along adaxial ridges. | The Sabal causiarum has a solitary trunk covered with persistent sheath split fiberous bases showing and when mature and/or free of leaf bases reveal a grey, smooth, close rings, massive diameter with saxophone shape at base stem pattern. Denuded of leaf bases, the mature trunk is ringed but relatively smooth, with the physique of a Roman column, or more germane to Southern California, the pillar of a highway overpass. Wetland Status. The trunk is another story. Sabal causiarum is a single-stemmed, evergreen palm growing up to 10 metres tall. There are many species of Sabals, and they can be quite difficult to distinguish from one another, in part because they so easily hybridized through cross breading. Upright single trunk. Common names Puerto Rican … Seeds for sale starting at € 4.60. The Puerto Rican hat palm gets its name from its land of origin and that the young leaves are collected from the canopy boiled dried and indeed woven into hats. Related Links.

This palm's powerful presence dominates any corporate power lawn - with a touch of tropical flare.

The tree excels in the loam soil of the Riverside Grove, grown in full sun with intense heat (an good irrigation) during the summer and cold nights during the winter. The very stout, unbranched stem can be 35 - 70cm in diameter; it is topped by a crown of 20 - 30 fan-shaped leaves 90 - 180cm in diameter on stalks up to 240cm long

At the Grove we have two varieties of the S. causiarum, one with an abundance for papery lingules wrapping the petioles, the other with scarcely any. The leaf is a different story, reaching a massive scale quickly relative to its stout young stem. Call or email for login. Seems to be adaptive to a wide range of soil types The Sabal causiarum (O.F.Cook) Becc. Sabal domingensis has pyriform fruit, 11.5-14.1 (12.7 ± 0.7) mm in diameter and 11.0-14.4 (13.1 ± 1.0) mm high. Imposing, rather slow growing species, especially when young, it is cultivable in full sun in the tropical, subtropical and warm temperate climate zones, where adult individuals may resist to temperatures as low as about -9 °C for a short period with a minimum damage to the foliage.The etymology of the genus is unknown, as it has not been specified by the author, the French botanist Michel Adanson (1727-1806); the name of the species is the plural genitive of the female Latin substantive “causia”, a white felt hat with wide brims used by the ancient Macedonians for protecting themselves from the sun, with reference to the leaves utilized for producing hats.The leaves are locally utilized as covers for the rural constructions and for making hats, bags and other handicrafted objects.It is not particular for what the soil is concerned, provided the same is perfectly draining; well rooted plants can resist to drought periods, but it takes advantage, with a faster growth, from regular waterings, besides fertilizations, especially when young. The petiole is wide, 6 foot or longer with unique and abundant papery ligule wrapping around the persistent leaf bases. The Sabal causiarum has a solitary trunk covered with persistent sheath split fiberous bases showing and when mature and/or free of leaf bases reveal a grey, smooth, close rings, massive diameter with saxophone shape at base stem pattern. Of huge ornamental effect, as isolated specimen as well as in group or in rows on the road sides. Interpreting Wetland Status. XL Puerto Rican Hat Palm Tree (sabal causiarum) – (XL Specimen, 8” Pot) Cold-hardy and simply massive. ex Martelli Sabal haitensis L.H.Bailey Sabal questeliana L.H.Bailey Homonyms Sabal causiarum Becc.