Recent blog posts Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page.Star Wars Canon Extended Wikia is a FANDOM Movies Community.Sabine's decision to renounce the Empire had serious ramifications for her family. Due to her estranged family ties, Sabine believed that she lacked the prestige needed to lead her people. Sabine reunited with Hera aboard the Moved by her daughter's loyalty to her friends, Ursa relented and allowed Sabine to recruit volunteers and ships for the Atollon mission. Later, Sabine and her fellow rebels took part in an attempt by the Phoenix rebels to deliver relief supplies to Based on his knowledge of Sabine and the Sabine and Zeb then loaded the deflector core aboard the Before the could finish refueling, they were spotted by a third Dismantler Droid, which alerted the Imperial Commander Sabine, long with Hera and Ezra, later participated in a mission provided by Later, Ezra met up with Sabine to comfort her. Following their delivery of EG-86 to the Havoc Station, both Mandalorian girls and Chopper returned on the Sabine was an excellent saboteur, using explosives and knowing when and where to strike, bringing down targets with ease whether they were buildings, individuals or starcraft. 7 Galactic Slang Terms for Everyday Use"In the series finale epilogue, it is revealed that Sabine stayed on Lothal, living in Ezra's tower. Sabine expressed shock that Kallus was Fulcrum. However, Zeb vouched for Kallus. While Clan Wren was still unwilling to help the Rebellion, they had become sympathetic to the rebels. After Zeb and Kanan betted Chopper in a game of Sabine was tormented by guilt over her role in helping the Empire to build weapons used to subjugate Mandalore.

Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars Rebels.Dave Filoni, Disney, and a few other good people do. The Rebels headed for Lando's place, and with help from his droid, Eventually, the rebels found themselves short on cash yet again. Leaving the battle for Mandalore to her family and their allies, Sabine joined her friends in taking the Now separated from Ezra, Sabine found Zeb, who was stuck in a ventilation shaft, and told him what happened. Her mother Ursa was forced to prove her clan's loyalty to the Empire while her brother Tristan was forced to serve in Saxon's Imperial Super Commandos so that the family could remain in Saxon's favor. This development startled the Imperials, who wondered when the rebels began taking prisoners. However, the rebels encountered numerous Stormtroopers and parked TIE fighters waiting for them on the other side. She always left her mark on her exploits, usually with a bomb hidden in the artwork. She refused to wield the weapon since she was still haunted by her estranged relationship with her family. However out of three votes, they returned to the Star Destroyer. However, Sabine told her mother they needed to talk and showed her the Darksaber. With all three corvettes secured by the Empire with The following day, the rebels managed to secure Chopper base from the Krykna by erecting a fence of sensor markers around the base. After testing Kanan and helping him realize that he cannot protect Ezra from everything, he dubs Kanan a Jedi Knight before calling upon other illusory Temple Guards to delay the Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister in their pursuit of Kanan, Ezra, and Ahsoka. Her report on Rau, though, brought back memories for Kanan and Rex, who both remembered the Protector commander as fighter pilot instructor for the Republic during the Clone Wars who served alongside Kanan and his master During the rebel counter-attack, Ezra and Kanan used their Force powers to hurl Sabine towards the sensor marker. Chopper later entered the room to inform her that the other rebels and Fenn had gathered in the ship's common room for a meeting. While examining her helmet, Rex concluded that Dicer had been taken after she had planted the sensor marker. Sabine Wren (code-named Spectre 5) is a young Mandalorian human in the Disney XD animated series Star Wars Rebels. Who will it be? When Saxon and another Super Commando fired upon her, Sabine lost hold of Ezra, and he landed on Chopper.

In "Family Reunion and Farewell", Rukh is revealed to have survived the fall and he ambushes Cikatro Vizago, Wolffe, and Mart Mattin, but the Loth-Wolf forces him to flee to warn Thrawn. Before fleeing Mandalore, Sabine also destroyed her weapon.

While Fenn's Fang Fighters attacked the fleet, Sabine and Ezra flew the Once aboard the ship, Sabine confronted Fenn about his sudden change of heart. To avoid endangering Zeb, Ezra refused to reply, but when Sabine was threatened to be decapitated by the Brother, he reluctantly complies. However, the droids were destroyed by Kanan. Sabine managed to reach the top and escape a Krykna that was lurking at the bottom of the pit. However, she was still upset with Fenn and the other rebels due to the baggage associated with the Darksaber.

However, Kanan managed to convince Ezra to end the ritual by closing his eyes. It's becoming a part of [her]". She initially regarded the Darksaber as an ill omen for bringing nothing but trouble to her family. Unwilling to abandon his friends, Ezra re-entered the cave. During her time at the Academy, she studied the tactics of Twi'lek Resistance leader Cham Syndulla and Mandalorian Journeyman Protector leader Fenn Rau during the Clone Wars. While Kanan and Zeb assisted with the evacuation efforts, Sabine accompanied Hera, Ezra, and Chopper aboard the Iron Squadron's ship Later, Sabine and the crew of the Ghost received word on the Later, Sabine inquired about Hondo's Ugnaught crew but was met by obfuscation. Ezra handed Sabine his lightsaber, which she used to save her mother from being killed by Saxon, who was wielding the Darksaber. Skerris later ordered a combat simulation, which Sabine recognized as the chance to escape quickly. This had the effect of electrocuting a Krykna but it failed to drive the creatures away. This allowed the remaining rebel forces led by Hera and Dodonna to flee to hyperspace. Unable to cope with her past, Sabine found comfort and self-expression in art and graffiti. AP-5 was about to recount the story but Zeb playfully muzzled him. Sabine and her fellow rebels watched the two droids insulting each other verbally before exiting the common room.