I emailed them and said please there has been a mistake could I have a refund? Contact Scam. ... Level up and get more: access to Special Offers, adidas Runtastic Premium and more. runtastic GmbH The only answer I got was that I already accepted there terms and conditions and I should be more carful in the future. When the application works it is great and the metrics are terrific. It gives you your distance and pace every km. I can't find any way to change this.

I never walked on this run and am 63 I don't run at 13 miles an hour. I downloaded this app. Adidas clearly has no product loyalty and runtastic will simply be a waste of your money when they cancel your access to your paid app. LEVEL UP. Plans & Pricing Stay away! Then break them all over again. The app is good.

Just enter your email below. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. | © Illogical Robot LLC, 2009-2020 Note: If you already are a Premium Member it is not possible to enter a promotion code. Adidas bought Runtastic in August of 2015 for more than $200 Millions, and since then, we haven't seen a lot of signs of that acquisition. With a choice of short workouts and lots of variety, you’ll find a way to slide fitness into your schedule. I noticed that it shows my membership until next year, no doubt the emails will start again. Subscribe to Android Police's weekly newsletter, with the biggest stories, latest deals, and insight on the week's news. My mum got charged 20 euros over nothing.

I tried the free version this week end for 7 mile run. Visit this website Will keep far from this anti consumer tactic and suggest you all do to. Log in When it doesn't work it's down right ridiculous. See business transparency Your money is lost and you cant use the app you paid for. GAMECHANGER. This app is very polished. I too have been getting the threatening emails and have ended up paying for 3 months with a view to just cutting my losses and leaving now. LEARN MORE. My Reviews They keep sending demands for payment. What really angered me was the loads of e miles and when I went to unsubscribe all I got was invitation to spend on a premium service for stuff I get elsewhere for for example heart rate is free on the installed app on the i phone X. I don't mind paying for a premium product but when you app is set up to

Sincerely, Lorraine Continues to charge for premium membership even after cancellation I'm just hoping that it will all go through without a hitch, bearing in mind the difficulties people are experiencing with cancelling. But the way they treat their customers is unacceptable. You've already flagged this

If you ask me, it seems like the better service and Adidas is making the right choice, even if this could anger or annoy some miCoach users. Adidas to shut down miCoach services, users can migrate to Runtastic and get a free Premium membershipBut thankfully, Adidas is making the switch as smooth as possible. Runtastic is a wellness organization of Austrian. Runtastic charged me around 50 pounds. Adidas Training is the perfect workout planner. No thanks, I don't want to be harassed. Terms & Conditions System status

1 review. Use the app to personalize your workout plan, stay motivated, and celebrate your success. It's also designed to extract loads of personal information and advertise heavily to you. Privacy Policy I will never use this app unfortunality. Compared to miCoach, Runtastic is more developed, has more features and more users, and is compatible and integrated with plenty of third-party apps and accessories. Trustpilot Business Avoid Adidas & Runtastic. For companies My previous comment about this company scamming people is withdrawn with apology. © 2020 Trustpilot A/S. They don't answer email or offer any way to unsubscribe. They "renew" your "premium" membership without notice and then send you threatening demand letters for payment. Stop anoying me with this.

Sign up Runtastic PRO is currently Adidas Running App Premium.