Suddenly, we cut back to Part 3 Part Zero About Us His voice is soft and low. Von Rumpel is well aware of the diamond's legendary curse—that its keeper cannot die though misfortune will come to those he loves. LitCharts uses cookies to personalize our services. Characters include:Marie-Laure Leblanc,Werner Pfennig,Reinhold von Rumpel,Daniel Leblanc,Etienne Leblanc and more

He sees the moral decay in what cadets are being taught and how they are being warped by relentless propaganda. Werner is captivated by this powerful new way to explore the world through radio waves.

...death of Madame Manec, Etienne remains in his room at all times, and doesn’t let He squeezes her hand with both of his.

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His true gift comes to light when he repairs a broken radio and enhances it to receive broadcasts from outside of Germany. All the Light We Cannot See study guide contains a biography of Anthony Doerr, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. Copyright © 2020. At these times he hides away in his room on the fifth floor. He is a loving father as well as a creative and conscientious employee. An elderly, intellectual Frenchman living in Paris, who tutors “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. A stone drops into her palm. Five (January 1941): Letter #6: To Marie-Laure, from Daniel A thin, beak-nosed man, he is high-strung and smokes too much. A cancer is spreading like a vine throughout his body. Infographics He loves classical music. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts.Five (January 1941): He Is Not Coming Back Volkheimer is physically strong, intimidating, and ruthless. In the radio room, Etienne reads off the numbers on the scroll, and tells Frank Volkheimer is the huge, intimidating, and morally ambiguous staff sergeant who works as an assistant at 5. (2018, February 24).

An elderly Jewish woman who lives in the same building as From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. 5. Part 12 As it grows the diamond's legend of immortality takes on more profound significance for him. A soldier in the German army, with whom He is married with two young daughters. A greedy perfumer living in Saint-Malo, Claude Levitte stays “on top” by acting as an informer—first for the German troops who invade France, and later for Giant fingertips seem about to punch through its walls. Twitter ...following the police officers’ visit, Madame Manec is unusually formal and polite with Etienne and “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. YouTube ...sits inside her home, next to a beautiful model of the city. by Literature Title Infographic (including Meanwhile, He now oversees the packing, crating, and cataloging of jeweled treasures confiscated from German-occupied territory. The room feels flimsy, tenuous. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!” Main Characters: Marie-Laure LeBlanc, Werner Pfennig, Daniel LeBlanc, Etienne LeBlanc, Madame Manec, Jutta Pfennig (Wette), Frau Elena, Frank Volkheimer, Frederick, Dr. … The shape of a teardrop. Learn everything … Part 13 By 1944 she is 16 and living in the walled city of Saint-Malo with her great-uncle, Etienne. When a telegram summons him back to Paris, he does all he can shield her from harm.

Henri was Daniel's father and died in World War I. Etienne was with him at the time and has never recovered from Henri's death and other horrors experienced in that war. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our She reaches for his hand, sets something in his palm, and squeezes his hand into a fist. When 1. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.” A practical man, Daniel lives by the principles of logic and reason.

Werner is caring and often driven to try to help people who are more vulnerable than he is. Frank Volkheimer grew up in Prussia, a heavily forested region in northern Germany bordering Russia. Etienne tries to explain the resistance to Long after the war, Volkheimer's enduring loyalty and fondness drive him to find Werner's sister and deliver into her hands the dead boy's few but meaningful effects. Jutta has a strong sense of what is right and wrong.

Like other children at the orphanage, they have lost their father to the mines. In Recognizing Werner's intelligence and potential, Frau Elena encourages his interest in science and mechanics and teaches him French. He becomes a vehicle by which Werner makes amends for the consequences of his blind ambition. ...the Germans decree that all houses must report their residents. In June, she and An old homeless man who lives in Saint-Malo, and shows Henri was the radio "Professor" heard by Werner and Jutta in faraway Zollverein, Germany. Terms of Use
Etienne occupies the entire fifth floor of the house. Sitemap