... Mrs. Penniman was truly amiable, but she now gave signs of temper. 5. Although the flight attendant on my trip was not very amiable, I was able to overlook her cold personality after consuming two small bottles of wine. Amiable definition, having or showing pleasant, good-natured personal qualities; affable: an amiable disposition. 95+6 sentence examples: 1.

6. 144.

151. being nice; displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. Examples of amicable in a sentence, how to use it.

In 1783 he formed a connexion with Elizabeth Bridget Cane, commonly known as Mrs Armstead or Armistead, an You will find the mood at home restless, edgy, not always He was a no less remarkable person than his father and much more As, in Fenelon's own opinion, the great merit of Homer was his "From the first he displayed rare ability as a debater, his inspiring and yet Decius was an excellent soldier, a man of You are very happy to have a little wife who is so That he learnt anything, and that he grew up an Sadly however, our experience is cut short by a curfew, tho the band is quite With bobcat-like ears and a big, bushy tail, the For sole reply Daniel gave him a shy, childlike, meek, and pokey shop, the current of debate swirled angrily around Afghanistan's He also appointed another select committee to consider how to control expenditure, the chairman of which, Mr. Herbert Samuel, told him that his fault as a Chancellor of the Exchequer was that he was " too Leroy-Beaulieu,' the fines inflicted by the court were commonly paid in vodka, which was consumed on the premises by the judges and the parties to the suit; there is no reason to suppose that this In later life he was conspicuously temperate and The command of the British fleet was given to Sir Hyde Parker, an From the stores of valuable materials contained in those ten volumes, it will be enough here to cite (1) the Ricordi politici, already noticed, consisting of about 400 aphorisms on political and social topics; (2) the observations on Machiavelli's Discorsi, which bring into remarkable relief the views of Italy's two great theorists on statecraft in the 16th century, and show that Guicciardini regarded Machiavelli somewhat as an After his cousin Gustavus Adolphus, whom in many respects he strikingly resembled, he was indubitably the most She could play him like a fiddle - or was Alex merely that I never met with a disposition more truly On his accession to the throne in 1840 much was expected of a prince so variously gifted and of so The earl of Buckinghamshire declared him to be the most Free flowering, vigorous and hardy, it is one of the most He had a sprightly wit, some delicacy of feeling, and some generous impulses which made him Under his sister's care the young emperor was trained in divers accomplishments which won him the name of Calligraphes (" the Penman"), but grew up into a weak though When the effort to restrain feeling is exhibited in a degree which surprises as well as pleases, it excites admiration as a virtue or excellence; such excellences Adam Smith quaintly calls the " awful and respectable," contrasting them with the " Weak and shortsighted as a statesman, as a man and prelate Dalberg was He had been married, in 1793, without his wishes being consulted, to the beautiful and But she had much natural good sense, was a true friend and, in her more cheerful moments, an The personal character of Malherbe was far from Maine Coons make good pets for single people or families as they are When the second act was over Countess Bezukhova rose, turned to the Rostovs' box--her whole bosom completely exposed--beckoned the old count with a gloved finger, and paying no attention to those who had entered her box began talking to him with an Personally Prince Lobanov was a grand seigneur of the Russian type, proud of being descended from the independent princes of Rostov, and at the same time an To all his three wives, in spite of numerous infidelities, he seems to have been warmly attached; and this is perhaps the best trait in a character otherwise more remarkable for arrogance and heat than for any His public conduct does not present itself in quite so Here, as in all Indy movies, the hero, played as always by Harrison Ford at his Male Lead best, is "The Muses," he writes to Voss, "were now his consolation, and appeared more He was simply a fair representative of the Italian piety of his day - Nintendo was still pushing Mario on its Nintendo 64, and the PlayStation had quite a few Almost his first act on ascending the throne was publicly to insult his consort, the It is described as having been thoroughly healthy at the date of its arrival, and of an Beyond a doubt he was not without a certain moral timidity contrasting strangely with his eager temperament and alertness of intellect; but, though he was not cast in a heroic mould, he must have been one of the most Numerianus is represented as having been a man of considerable literary attainments, and of remarkably It was no wonder that the death of a king who had shown so much capacity for rule, so much unselfish energy and courage, Regency ~ and so many camaraderie between the boat crews remained, but there was less chitchat and "Of whom you imagine me to be one?" Since my daughter cannot be amicable with her younger sister, she has lost her cellphone privileges. All Rights ReservedThe prestige enjoyed by the French language, which, in the 14th century, the author of the Maniere de language calls "le plus bel et le plus gracious language et plus noble parler, apres latin d'escole, qui soft au monde et de touz genz mieulx prisee et amee que nul autre (quar Dieux le fist si douce et From his writings we derive the impression of an Here he wrote La Nouvelle Heloise; here he indulged in the passion which that novel partly represents, his love for Madame d'Huodetot, sister-in-law of Madame d'Epinay, a lady young and On the 12th the queen wrote to King Leopold:" Albert's beauty is most striking, and he is so The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage.

Henry James -- Washington Square. Examples of Amicable in a sentence.