I have also been digging deep into reddit forums and learned how to use the resources correctly for UFAPS. As the only 91B Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic, singlehandedly maintained over 30 pieces of organic, CTEF-I and Theater Provided Equipment (TPE) and maintained 95-98% operational readiness rate with very limited maintenance capabilities to accomplish his mission. I only went on 2 interviews, was accepted to both, and decided not to go to the other.

I was wondering how to go about deciding about the LDP or the PBL or the DSP programs.

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Post an Interview.

First off, after I interview at Seton Hill, I can preference which of the three I want and at what campus, correct?It doesn't appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castBecause I'm leaning towards the Erie campus tbh, but I don't know for sure.

TROPHY CASE. ARCOM Cons: Much smaller town Growing pains with a newer school expected Being a "guinea pig" for said growing pains is a bit concerning. Don’t be afraid to seek us out for advice and guidance with certain professors or classes. acom Triple six, five, forked tongue Subatomic penetration rapid fire through your skull How I shot it on one taking it back to the days of trying to lose control Swerving in a blaze of fire, raging through my bones Oh shit I'm feeling it - Takyon Hell yeah, fuck yeah, I feel like killing it - Takyon Alright that’s tight, what its like to experience - Takyon Having the mentality of good grades=good board scores makes the most sense to me. I would need an explanation, health or family crisis during pre clinical or bright and lazy? The ARCOM is a medal that can be awarded in peace or war, and even in combat (often with the V-for Valor device). ARCOM Award Bullets During the period in question, SGT XXX provided selfless service as the principal training NCO responsible for the performance of a variety of technical, advisory and coordinating duties for the 642d Regional Support Group (RSG) command and the overall success of the first ever Virtual Battle Assembly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It’s been an interesting ride being at a new school, the bumps are real. That’s also why everyone on SDN seems to have a 240+ step 1.

I've heard about the dress code/beverages policy/etc but honestly it's not a big deal outside that?LECOM, if you're okay with the dress code policies etc.

6 comments. People with barely passable stats aren’t eager to tell the world. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.Yeah. Matching is student specific. Just need help reaffirming my decision.

Lol... Only been through my first semester so far, so I don't know the true stress of the process yet.

her hard work, dedication to duty, and commitment to excellence were essential to the overall success of the unit.

Lol in my sophomore year physics class, I never got above a 50% on a test and ended up with a B. Gotta love a meaty curve. I saw this in the pre-podiatry forum and I thought it would be a good idea to have in the MD/DO forums. Applied and interviewed MD first cycle and rejected. My sophomore year I got a D on my first physics test and cried because I thought I wouldn't get into med school. I Interview.

Application. All Rights Reserved.So, would a student that's top quartile class rank, 220 Step 1 be looked at more favorably than a student that was bottom quartile 240 step 1?Statement of Support for Black Lives Matter

Any opinions?

You need quality board scores, decent grades, and research. We've all been runts Worked for ARCOM?

Will be helpful for those applying next year! It was a really big lesson for me not to stress out so much from one bad thing, because things usually work themselves out.

We are open to talk and encourage you to reach your dream as we pursue ours as well. I am going to go in and slay while making as many friends and connections as I can in the process. what's this?

For the AAM, ARCOM, or MSM, using the space provided in the DA 638, fill in the Soldier's achievements or meritorous service using bullet format. Complete in June. Contribute to the Community!

Thank you all for the advice, everyone. Do the best you can possibly do, be productive, stay focused. EDIT: Out by 3PM most days at ARCOM All Rights Reserved.Statement of Support for Black Lives MatterThese stats are making me really nervous applying next cycle lol, congrats to all of you though! Anything you want to know about it?

Joint Service Commendation Medal.

cGPA 3.83, sGPA for AACOMAS was like 3.8+ (don't remember exactly)

I'm curious to know how present AD soldiers view them.

Either way, I wanna figure out which campus people prefer because I like typical lecture format the best but idk the pros/cons of all the campuses.I'm an OMS1 at LECOM-B in the PBL program. These stats are making me really nervous applying next cycle lol, congrats to all of you though! army commendation medal (arcom) citation examples.