Democracy Alliance, a group of more than 100 liberal donors who pledge to give at least $200,000 a year to a list of recommended progressive organizations, is holding a postelection briefing Thursday and Friday. Gara LaMarche, the group’s president, told HuffPost the donors would look intensely at the 2020 map but not focus on which candidates would be best to combat Education: Leading the Way to the Presidency and a Senate Super MajorityScoring a speaking spot at the Democracy Alliance conference is a big win for a progressive organization, which then has a shot to pitch itself to the donors. As an organization focused on politics, democracy and social justice, the Democracy Alliance has focused quickly and sharply, as we must, on policy debates ...George Floyd. Members of the alliance include bold-faced liberal names like Tom Steyer, George Soros and Susan Sandler. Breonna Taylor. Today, Joe Biden made it official; he is running for president. This is an adapted version of remarks delivered by DA President Gara LaMarche at the opening of the DA’s Spring Donor Meeting on April 1. This article was written by Julie Kohler and Nicole Sussner Rodgers and published by The Nation. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) will speak on the progressive governing agenda, as will New York City Councilmember Brad Lander.

“So folks want us to focus on ways to expand access to the ballot.”The Next Generation of Progressive LeadershipSign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapterWe made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote!Democracy Alliance formed with the idea of building up the long-term infrastructure of the progressive movement, rather than sending money to campaigns and candidates. The Democracy Alliance plans to raise more than $150 million over five years to assist more than 30 groups, including organizations focused on battles to increase the minimum wage, oppose voter ID laws, address global … This is an adapted version of remarks delivered by DA President Gara LaMarche at the opening of the DA’s Spring Donor Meeting on April 1. Across the nation, hundreds of events will be held – many organized by Democracy Alliance APOs, organizations on the DA’s Progressive Infrastructure Map, and many of the DA’s 2020 State ... Read More . We invest in every aspect of progressive power-building—from policy making to organizing grassroots communities to … (The event McAuliffe is speaking at was organized by an individual donor; no 2020 candidate is being given the chance to speak on the main stage at the event.) House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former President Barack Obama and DNC chair Tom Perez are all appearing at the Democracy Alliance conference. The group, organized by … We hope to build the progressive base by investing in the New American Majority and centering those communities in our strategies and win significant policy gains …

Share. On Friday, incoming House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff (Calif.) will speak to the donors. The funding is part of a $275 million spending plan mapped out by the Democracy Alliance for the 2020 elections. Tony McDade. Democracy Café, January 2020 Two … While Steyer won’t be speaking, a staffer from his Rational Organizing: Empowering Our Communities, Getting to Scale, and WinningHe also said donors want to develop an agenda to expand voting rights and battle Republican gerrymandering.Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you.Part of HuffPost Politics. Over the years, the network has steered millions of dollars to organizations like the Center for American Progress and Media Matters. The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a secret list of donors to a shadowy left-wing organization known formally as the Democracy Alliance. ©2020 Verizon Media. Reporters are not allowed into the event. September 26, 2016 New American Majority Turnout is Vital to Win in November – and Needs Sustained Investment. group NextGen America, will be talking about getting more young people to the polls in 2020.Today is National Voter Registration Day!The Midterms: What Happened and What’s NextWASHINGTON ― The nation’s biggest liberal donors are gathering in Washington for a Top Liberal Donors Gather In Washington To Strategize For 2020Voting rights and expanding the electorate are on the agenda, which was obtained by HuffPost.Activism Under Siege: How Do We Protect Protest and Safeguard the Right to Free Speech?Expanding the Electorate and Building Long-Term Power“Everyone recognizes that despite Trump’s numerous vulnerabilities, and despite being a minority president, that it’s possible for him to replicate what he did,” LaMarche said of the group’s donors. We play a leading role in fostering the infrastructure necessary to advance a progressive agenda for America. The Democracy Alliance, founded in 2005, is the largest network of donors dedicated to building the progressive movement in the United States. Pushed back a day, his announcement came on the heels of the She The People Presidential Forum, the first ever Gara LaMarche In its never-ending effort to retain its grasp on power despite an unpopular agenda and increasing demographic irrelevance,  the Republican Party at every level did its best to suppress participation in this month’s ...© Democracy Alliance • P.O. The network quietly launched the … Facing Forward: Democracy, Climate Change, and Race Sessions at the conference this week include: “When Republicans get into the office, they’re focused on protecting their power and attacking Democratic power,” he said. And freshly elected Reps.-elect Lucy McBath of Georgia and Deb Haaland and Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico will be at the conference’s closing dinner on Friday night.

“We’re trying to take a deep look at some red states that have become more competitive,” LaMarche said.Librarians and Moms on the Battlefield: The Promise and Pitfalls of the New Activists Fighting for Our Democracy2020 Vision: Expanding the Progressive RoadmapInequality and the Future of Progressive Politics