=MROUND(1234,10) =>1230 =MROUND(1234,5) =>1235 I currently use "=ROUNDUP(H82,0)" and thats great but only rounds up to the nearest whole digit. In case you want to round times in your Excel sheet to five or ten minutes, or to the closest quarter-hour, you can use the same rounding techniques as demonstrated above, but replace "1 hour" with the desired number of minutes in the formulas. Example 2. Here, Office Tab supports similar processing, which allow you to browse multiple Excel workbooks or Word documents in one Excel window or Word window, and easily switch between them by clicking their tabs. If you need to round a number to the nearest specified multiple (i.e. Round a number up to the nearest 1000. Round number up/down with Kutools for Excel. Then you can use the CEILING.MATH function. Please help thank you Dave Hello, just a quick one How do you round a figure up to the nearest 10? Round a number down. 1 =ROUND(B3,0) By using negative numbers you can round to the nearest 10, 100, or 1000. This tutorial will demonstrate how to round, round up, or round down to the nearest 5 or .5 in Excel and Google Sheets. How to Change Your Laptop Screen from Vertical to Horizontal How to Disable Auto Hide in the Start Menu How to Find Your IP Address, Primary DNS & Default Router Open your business spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. Number (required) is the value you want to round up.. As an example, "A1" may contain your calculation.
Rounding time to nearest 5, 10, 15, etc. Here are the two formula that will round up to the nearest multiple of 10: =CEILING.MATH(B2,10) =ROUNDUP(B2,-1) Both these function would give the same result.

This argument can contain the actual data for rounding, or it can be a cell reference to the location of the data in the … Round a negative number up to one decimal place. Here is the formula that will round up to the nearest 5. For example if you use -1 then it means you want the number to be rounded to nearest 10. Figure 4. Round a number to the nearest number. 6.

The ROUND Function rounds a number to a specified number of digits relative to the decimal.

Round Up to the Nearest Multiple of 5 in Excel. If you need to round a number to the nearest specified multiple (i.e. round a number to the nearest dollar, nearest $.25, nearest multiple of 5 or 10, etc) you can use the MROUND function.
7. For example, to round 8163.27 to 8000/8200/8160/8163/8163.3. Round a number up to the nearest integer. Note: remember, the ROUNDUP function rounds a number up (away from zero). Rounding up a number always results in a figure that is equal to or larger than the original number.

How to Remove the Decimal When Using RAND in Excel Windows XP: How to Escape Safe Mode at Startup Round to nearest 1000/100/10/1/0.1. We can write formula … The "-1" in the formula tells the Roundup function to round up to the nearest ten. Formulas: =RoundUp(number,number_digits) =RoundDown(number,number_digits) Total of the rounded numbers is 2680.66; Put 0 in the next cell of the number to remove decimals from the total. I'm trying to figure out how to round up a number (greater than 0) to the nearest power of 10. But what if you want to only round up to the nearest 5. To round value to nearest 1000/100/10/1/0.1, you can do as following steps: Round to nearest … To take the upper value. The formula for CEILING requires two variables: the original number and how far to round it. Positive numbers round to the right of the decimal point, negative numbers round to the left, and zero rounds to the nearest 1.

8. Excel's CEILING function always rounds up to a specified value, making it the best way to round up to the nearest 10. Select the cells you use to round, click Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.in a cell which will display the nearest 100s value.Kutools for Excel Solves Most of Your Problems, and Increases Your Productivity by 80%In Excel, we can round values with the formula =Round(), but have you ever tried to round value to the nearest 1000s/100s/10s/1s/0.1s?

Similarly, if you want to round down to the nearest multiple of 10, you can use the below formulas: =FLOOR.MATH(B2,10) =ROUNDDOWN(B2,-1)

The ROUNDUP function works like the ROUND function, except the ROUNDUP function will always round numbers up.The number of places to round to is controlled by the num_digits argument. This is the syntax for the ROUNDUP function: =ROUNDUP(Number,Num_digits) A function's syntax refers to the layout of the function and includes the function's name, brackets, and arguments.. Enter "Roundup(A1,-1)" without quotes in any empty cell. How to Get Rid of Unneeded Cells in Excel Locate the cell that needs rounding up. Office Tab Brings Tabbed interface to Office, and Make Your Work Much Easierin a cell which will display the nearest 10s value.in a cell which will display the nearest 1s value.