This means if you click them and purchase something, I get a small commission. Which means fun, delicious, flavorful foods that make Fridays a day to look forward to all week. Sheesh.

Thanks again for a beautiful plan!I think if it doesn’t work for you, then don’t do it. You can find all of my holy week food … God bless! How about a simple, homemade BBQ Chicken Pizza with super fresh ingredients, tailor-made just for you, and ready in 20 minutes or less?” I’m totally doing this. Loved your post and your pictures (especially the one of your husband eating one of the chips- lol!) However, whether you observe these traditions or not, Good Friday provides a reason to embrace all things seafood in lieu of a heavy meat-laden holiday feast. I explained what each food was for, and it was laid out for the children to help themselves.

We love Friday nights… and Friday foods… and know that you do too!“Hungry for pizza? – also, we can always make another extra sacrifice somewhere along the day).

For the kiss, I’d substitute sucking on a lemon wedge (sour pucker that would be memorable!) The products I link to are all things that I either have, or wish that I had, and all opinions shared on this blog are my own. (And, for me at least, eating these types of foods is definitely a sacrifice – not what I typically buy or enjoy eating.).

(And Jen, no thanks for the Phariseeism.

I don’t think the candy should be cause for alarm – a kiss is a ‘kiss’ for it’s intended symbolism (& just think of how every time you or your kids eat a Hershey kiss – they will think of Good Friday! “My family loves to have a  Build Your own Pizza Bar every Friday. This is why a cross if often used as a symbol of the Christian faith. I personally don’t eat much chocolate, and wouldn’t normally serve it for a meal–but I like the idea of making Good Friday more special instead of a dread. The Good Friday tradition is one that practised by many families in the lead up to Easter Sunday. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday (Easter Day).

I believe this activity, if introduced at an early age and then repeated every year, will lead to a stronger understanding of the true meaning of Holy Week.

God bless!We did this with some friends on Friday and the kids LOVED it! (The same is true of the requirement to abstain from meat on every other Friday of the … This does not raise the price of the product that you order. Good Friday Recipes by our Italian Grandmas! We have sometimes used a bird-shaped (technically a turkey!) If the Peppermint Patties cause angst, we’re planning on wrapping nilla wafers in tin foil – thought of even doing sliced cucumbers as well. A few other ideas we do: we cook up a California vegetable mix and divide as follows: carrots are wrapped in little pieces of foil to become Judas’ silver, the broccoli “trees” are in the garden of Gethsemane (my kids don’t like olives at all), and the cauliflower stands in for the clouds of heaven. Here are a few options if that’s the way you like to go! He was crucified by the Romans on a hill outside Jerusalem although he had not done anything wrong. The older kids make the pretzels and the little kids blow out candles as we complete each station. I know young kids aren’t required to fast, but I always like to have simple meals.Have a moment of silence after announcing the death of Jesus for everyone to reflect.Thank you so much – this is great! “Making ravioli doesn’t have to be an all-day affair.

In most Anglican churches, there are no flowers or decoration such as alter-cloths in the church on Good Friday.One of my favourite Good Friday customs is Hot Cross buns! These are yeast dough buns with currants and raisins in them and they have a cross on the top. for many it is traditional to eat fish – as a substitute for meat – and hot cross buns, the lightly spiced symbolic baked treat. When a person was crucified, they were tied and nailed by the wrists and feet to a large wooden cross or scaffold and left to die. “Whether it’s a Tuesday Mexican food night, or a fun Friday meal… or a game day “These zesty meatballs are a true taste of the Southwest, with poblano peppers, corn chips, lime juice, and red chile enchilada sauce. See our main Easter page to find out why. The most complicated thing is making the crown of thorns, and actually boiling the eggs. )Lacy, we just did this and my entire family LOVED it! In Spain and some other countries, people who are very sorry for their wrong doings (called 'Penitents') walk through the streets wearing long robes with hoods and carrying a big cross of wood.In some Central and South American countries there will be a procession of statues to the church before the service. For Judas betrayal, I’d do dipping bread in a sauce like he did at the Last Supper (John 13:26). Again, I love this!This is a wonderful activity for children. Thank you.Holy Week from the Bible using handprint illustrations.The meal is also served with a glass of water.!

So you could call Good Friday, 'Holy Friday'.In some countries, including the U.K., sometimes a single person or group of church members carry a large wooden cross, around the streets near the church, before the Good Friday service.

Not being Catholic we do not have meat restrictions so will use chicken nuggets for the cock. Some Orthodox and Catholic churches have models of tombs as the centre piece of the service to help people remember Jesus died.whyeaster?com answers your Easter questions! My ebook includes over 50 printable templates!Thank you so much and have a blessed Easter weekend!We eat a strawberry with a toothpick and read about how Jesus was pierced with a lance, ….then while drinking grape juice diluted with water, we read about how from Christ’s side flower blood and water.