And he did it again with a great response to this video from Woman's Elderly Neighbors Have Been Stalking and Harassing Her on a Daily BasisRyan Reynolds gives a very appropriate response after being tagged in Tom Holland's strenuous IG fitness challenge thank u tom holland Needless to say, people loved the cheeky reply from the star. The Spiderman: Far from Home actor posted a video of a unique handstand against the wall challenge where you have to put a t-shirt on the same time you're propping your body up off the ground. Ryan Reynolds is about as sassy, self-deprecating, and hilariously dark as they come on social media, always tempering his relentless teasing just perfectly. Tom Holland tagged Ryan Reynolds in a handstand t-shirt challenge and the eyebrow raising reaction from the 'Deadpool' actor was just great. Some said it was a taste of what a Naomi Osaka Says People Who Told Her to 'Keep Politics out of Sports' Inspired Her to Win US OpenOthers were just reveling in the fact that Ryan didn't even "pretend to try" to complete the challenge.After performing the challenge on video, Tom tagged actors Jake Gyllenhaal, Ryan Reynolds, and Harrison Osterfield to perform the same feat of gymnastic prowess. Dad Builds 'Candy Chute' to Save Halloween, Stay Socially-Distancedjake gyllenhaal in a pony tail doing the challenge. Maybe because there are so many superhero movies and having one that doesn't take itself or the genre so "seriously" is refreshing. If you're ever casting for a sarcastic a-hole who you just can't help but love, Good to see Tom Holland's Spider-Man training is (somewhat) paying off What's your take on Ryan's response to Tom's social media fitness challenge? Li Community member.

And a very inquisitive face, begging to ask just why in the world anyone in their right minds would willingly do something like that.There's just something so wonderful about the fourth-wall breaking wise-cracking, irreverent jerk with a heart of gold, and it's hard to put a finger on it. Jake and Harrison were ultimately able to pull it off and showcased their efforts on social media to prove it.29 Ryan Reynolds Parenting Tweets That Are Hilariously DarkWoman Received Nasty Anonymous Note Calling Her Painted Garage Door 'Hideous Graffiti'Okay, now we REALLY need a Spider-Man/Deadpool movie. Tom Holland Challenges Ryan Reynolds To Put On A T-Shirt While Doing A Handstand, Receives A Firm ‘No’ 125K views. And then I thought, 'Well great, now I'm gonna have to try this,'" Gyllenhaal recalled during a virtual interview with Stephen Colbert. Obviously, Tom Holland hasn’t abandoned his fitness routine during his time in self-isolation. Jake Gyllenhaal says that he was going to decline the T-shirt handstand challenge after Tom Holland tagged him, but Ryan Reynolds had already beat him to it. "I was gonna do the same thing, until the morning of, when [Reynolds] already posted him saying no.

Or maybe it's because of Ryan's unbridled enthusiasm for the character and insane amount of love he displays in each and every scene of the two films.Here's Why Ryan Reynolds Will Always Be Our Favorite CanadianIt requires a ridiculous amount of physical strength, balance, and coordination to pull off — which the young Marvel star clearly has in spades.Ryan Reynolds Now Owns the Wireless Company Mint MobileAnother reason the Vancouver native delivers such a winning performance could be because it seems to align so very well with his own public persona. Do you think he should've just given it a try, given the fact that he appears to be a pretty fit guy (I mean, remember him in Instead of uploading a video of him completing the athletic maneuver, he simply provided a response where, after several seconds of silence and giving a puzzled look, Ryan simply responded with, ""