500+ Hours. Place the cursor in cell C2 and take the mouse pointer at right bottom corner and drag the + AutoFill handle to round the multiple cells value at once over the range of cells C3:C11. This is the table of values that we want to perform division on: The following screenshot demonstrates a few ROUND formula examples: Excel ROUNDUP function. Figure 2. Applying the ROUND Formula in a Cell.

error.You can easily replace this error with a custom text that you want using an CLICK HERE TO SEARCH OVER 300 EXCEL TUTORIALS Here, you have the total sales achieved by a company each month and the average sale price per product.Quickly transform your data (without VLOOKUP) into awesome reports!The most common way to divide in Excel is to use the Division operator i.e. Excel Functions. error.Learn how to use the Lookup, Text, Logical, Math, Date & Time, Array plus more functions & formulas101 Ready To Use Excel Macros Paperback on AmazonGet FAST, EXPERT help on any Excel problem or template with our Excel Consulting Services!Get your team skilled up in Excel and save with our corporate packagesCould you explain what is your target goal?

Num_digits - the number of digits you want to round the number to. Figure 3.

; To round down to the nearest specified place, use the ROUNDDOWN function. Enter the data into your spreadsheet. Your email address will not be published.In Excel, you can divide two numbers very easily using the Explore the various keyboard shortcuts & tips to make you more efficient in Excel101 Most Popular Excel Formulas Paperback on AmazonYou can learn more about Excel formulas & functions and become better at Excel byYou now have all of the division results!© Copyright 2020 MyExcelOnline SLU. I will show you in the steps below how you can divide numbers in Excel. Any formula that returns a numeric result can be nested inside the ROUND function. To use the ROUNDDOWN function in Excel Online, use the Formula bar. The Division Formula is done through the use of the division operator which is depicted by a forward slash: /. Learn the most popular Excel Formulas ever: VLOOKUP, IF, SUMIF, INDEX/MATCH, COUNT, SUMPRODUCT plus moreListen to John Michaloudis interview various Excel experts & MVPs to get their inisghts & tipsChoose from the different Microsoft Excel and Office features that we can help you with today…Learn Slicers, Pivot Charts, Calculated Fields/Items, Grouping, Filtering, Sorting, plus moreYou can learn more about how to use Excel by viewing our FREE Excel webinar training on Look at the example below, when you tried to divide 6441 by 0 Excel has provided you with an #DIV/0!

To round normally, use the ROUND function. Lifetime Access. Share.

ROUND Excel function is an inbuilt function in excel which is used to calculate the round number of a given number with the number of digits to be provided as an argument, this formula takes two arguments one which is the number itself and the second argument is the number of digits we want the number to be rounded up to.t. Syntax: ROUNDUP(number, num_digits) Number - the number to be rounded up.

ROUND rounds a number to a specified number of digits; ROUNDUP rounds a number up, away from zero; ROUNDDOWN rounds a number down, towards zero; Let’s take the number 2.4 and round it to no decimal places as an example. The results of the ROUNDDOWN function will be displayed here. Select the Insert Function button next to the Formula bar. ROUND in Excel.

How to Round in Excel.

The ROUNDUP function rounds the number upward (away from 0) to a specified number of digits.

Learn More. 30+ Projects. So that I can analyze your formula from that context.If you are a current Academy member, click here to login & access this courseI will show you in the steps below how you can divide numbers in Excel.IFERROR function returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, it returns the result of the formula.This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website.

As the result of this function will provide you with the If you like this Excel tip, please share itIf you try a formula like =5/0, it will produce an error.Let’s use this function in our example, to replace the error with a blank.Analyze tons of data with a couple of mouse clicks and create Excel DashboardsLet’s discuss each of the following points regarding the Division in Excel:026: The Best Microsoft Excel Tips & Tricks in 2019!So, you can easily divide the numbers by a constant value using the paste special option in Excel.See why leading organizations choose MyExcelOnline as their destination for employee learningThis is the table of values that we want to perform division on: error when you try to divide a number by 0 or with a blank cell.Free Excel Webinar Online Training CoursesLearn how to record Macros, write VBA code and automate your worksheet & reportsDOWNLOAD OUR FREE EXCEL RESOURCE GUIDE E-BOOK!Make sure that the arguments mentioned in numerator and denominator are numeric, otherwise the QUOTIENT will return #VALUE! All rights reserved.Apply the same formula to the rest of the cells by dragging the lower right corner downwards.The Quotient Function is used to divide two numbers and In this article, you have been provided with a detailed guide on how to divide in Excel using the division operator and quotient function.Learn to create Smart Art, Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, Scatter, Bubble and Sparkline chartsLearn Conditional Formatting, Data Validation, Excel Tables, Find & Select, Sort, Filter plus moreLearn the must know Functions & Formulas: IF, SUMIF, VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH plus more50 Things You Can Do With Excel Pivot TableThe syntax of IFERROR is =IFERROR(value,value_if_error)Excel shows a #DIV/0! ROUND Formula in Excel; Excel Rounding; All in One Excel VBA Bundle (120+ Courses, 30+ Projects) 120+ Online Courses. 1 Shares.