There is no question of who is loving you,I totally prefer to say I love you instead love you , because sounds like you loves anything not specific a person.My Fiance’ & I have been dating for a little over 7 years. One month isn’t a long time, but you have to ask for what you want or one year from now it will possibly be an even bigger issue.My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost an entire year yet we have not even touched. Sometimes some people, including me, add in a "bro," "dude," or even "boo" at the end of it. I’ve never brought my concerns of that in particular up to her. AnonymousHe tells me this is a colloquialism and the gramatically correct response should be "I love you also".He needs to rethink this. Obviously, they go hand-in-hand. Do not get me wrong, doing what you think is right for your sake is good, but people take this phrase overboard.You do you within reason. Mental health problems do not mean that a man is weak, they are.Let's start with spending less time gaming and more time with you.As this "buy your boyfriend a PS5" joke takes off across the internet, let's just say, there are a few things your BF should be doing before dropping $499 on the new gaming system — or, if the tweets are real for some, before.The younger generation of voters is so crucial to the upcoming election because our vote is going to shape the world that we are about to enter as adults.When I ask my friends if they are voting this term most of them respond with "no" followed by an explanation of "I don't care enough," "It doesn't affect me," or "I don't keep up with politics," etc. Well I tell my hubby “I love you” but I tell my best friend “love you” so meh I feel there is a difference but it also depends on the person as well. No matter the situation, you should never change it. Since the phrase has become so popular within our society, everyone is now practicing it. You should say ‘thank you’ or ‘hope you are doing well too’. Is there a special woman in your life? Which I was greatly offended by her even saying that to another man who is not part of her family let alone the conversations have been going back and fourth for a little while and up until this weekend after seeing him he stated i love you kisses and she stated i love ya too and i of course freaked out because since gettingnmarried i have never told another women i love her other then my own family members . Most people have taken this as following what everyone else is doing even though it is supposed to mean to do the exact opposite. Mr. Peabody is trying to tell Sherman he loves him as well. Is there a difference between “I love you” and “love you”?My boyfriend and I will be going on one month tomorrow. I get it, as a college student I know that there are many other things to be concerned about like school, relationships, work, and friends. A week or so before we met for the first time we were already hinting at being in love without actually saying those 3 powerful words. There definitely is a difference. There was this girl who was an exchange student, but every time she jokes about me in front of me, afterwards she would say “I love you”. I'm more in love with you today than I was yesterday. Communication is the key in relationships and too many relationships suffer or end because of poor communication. Have the people who love and care for you join in on your adventures because they will make them 10 times better. Just because you feel like you can do anything you want by living by this phrase, it does not mean you need to do anything and everything. It was nothing against her but the revelation still tainted my character and she wasn’t too thrilled about it nor did she like the fact that I waited so long to tell her. Recently he started acting strange towards me. In my life, I've realized that there is nothing better than learning about the current world or getting fully immersed in another world. Here’s the thing. Stay true to who you are and do it proudly.