” The lyrics are, “If the South would have won we would have it made. Southerners are conservatives, and conservatives are realists. Here’s Why. It consists of 10 GREAT songs: "Wild Streak", "IF THE SOUTH WOULDA WON" (THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING SONG - A REAL FUN ONE - The day young Skynyrd died, we'd show our Southern Pride, and the day Elvis passed away would be our … If they would not take orders from Abraham Lincoln, and often wondered why they should take them from Jefferson Davis, it is hard to imagine they would have had any interest in being harangued by a paper-hanging corporal with a toothbrush mustache.It was Southerners, too, who had dreams of a cotton kingdom extending into Latin America, and Southern politicians (like Secretary of War Jefferson Davis and Mississippi Governor John A. Quitman) who supported American “filibusters,” like the Tennessean William Walker, who looked to carve out little empires in Baja California or Nicaragua. Cam Kirk “When you get somewhere you just gotta grind harder,” Beezy says. For more from The broadcasts are also pointedly diverse as over-caffeinated talking heads come in all colors. As the historian Samuel Eliot Morrison noted, writing of the 1940 election between President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Wendell Wilkie, though Southerners distrusted the New Deal, “the South in general, with its gallant tradition, applauded the President’s determination to help the Allies; and ahead of any other part of the country, prepared mentally for the war that the nation had to fight.” The America First movement—which strove to keep America out of any Southern ideas were about as far from National Socialist ideas as can be imagined. Far from being sympathetic to National Socialism, the antebellum South was more wedded to economic and governmental libertarianism (no tariffs, no taxpayer-funded “internal improvements,” no overweening national government trampling on states’ rights) than was the North. This line sparked a little-publicized call for his terrible Monday Night Football theme song to be pulled, on grounds that it implied regret at the loss of the institution of slavery. What if he had said the following:There would have been—and were—no more ardent anti-Nazis than the people of the South. The South had little truck with nationalism (as opposed to federalism and state loyalties) and “progressive ideas” (like Marxism). We should cherish what we have in the Southern tradition. If the NFL really wants to cater to the demographic that loves Hank Williams Jr. and Rush Limbaugh, they’d be better ordering the Broncos to just start Tim Tebow. By signing up to receive emails, you agree to receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support In our segmented, culturally segregated, 5,000-channel era, the NFL might be the last entertainment product that tries to be all things to all people. IF THE SOUTH WOULDA WON Hank Williams Jr Tabbed by Jason Tenney C If the South would?ve won we'd a had it made, G I'd prob?ly run for President of the Southern State. . Last week, for example, was a nod to the wallets of women everywhere, as all players were tinted in bright-pink to “raise breast cancer awareness.” The gravity of the issue didn’t stop Cowboys owner Jerry Jones from displaying his cage-dancing cheerleaders in a more straightforward display of breast-awareness, hold the cancer.You will receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support VIDEO: People in Denmark Are a Lot Happier Than People in the United States. The NFL and their chief broadcast partner ESPN in particular wants the disposable income of one particularly thorny demographic: your right-wing, gun-toting, Palin-loving, Southern football fans.

We are living in times of profound polarization. The bigger question, Is why was ESPN surprised? This rebel flag features Hank Williams Jr himself, with the lyrics " If the south would've won, we would've had it made". To submit a correction for our consideration, click Hank Williams Jr compared Obama to Hitler. The Confederate Constitution limited the president to one six-year term. Show off your rebel pride with a vibrant and outspoken Hank Williams Jr flag! There was no Holocaust in the South, or anything remotely like it. If the south woulda won we woulda had it made. Copyright (c) 2020 The Nation Company LLCMaya Moore and Jonathan Irons: More Than a Love StoryThe problem, in other words, isn’t Hank Williams Jr. It’s ESPN and the NFL thinking they can stretch the boundaries of their product to unite racists and anti-racists; neoconfederates and people who are ready to put the Stars and Bars in our national rear-view mirror; Redskins fans and those who find that franchise name sickening. THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE HANK JR. CD'S. And think of the implications of that: no Cuban missile crisis, another Southern beach spot for Yankee snow birds, no shortage of Cuban cigars.It is sometimes said today that Lee was the equivalent of Erwin Rommel in a Confederacy that was the equivalent of the Third Reich . And that’s why Bocephus himself, Hank Williams Jr. has sang the By using this website, you consent to our use of cookies.

Thomas Jefferson, one of the idols of the paleo-libertarian school, was the president who called America “an empire of liberty.” He believed in “manifest destiny” before the term was invented. California – Do not sell my personal informationIn fact—we all would have had it made, to quote a Southern partisan. I'd make my Supreme Court down in Texas, G and we would'nt have no … though the South, of course, waged no aggressive war, committed no Holocaust against the Jews—in fact, included the Jewish Judah P. Benjamin as its, in succession, secretary of state, secretary of war, and attorney general, the first Jewish cabinet officer in North America—and had as its governing ideology states’ rights and an even more limited federal government than the United States. I'd probably run for president of the southern states.