Choose a location with good light to plant your bulbs. When to plant. To successfully force hyacinth bulbs indoors, you'll need high quality bulbs, a well-drained commercial potting mix, and suitable containers. Separate the bulbs from the soil in late summer. Infected hyacinth bulbs will develop spots that look water-logged. These spring-flowering bulbs put forth a bold burst of color that lasts for about two weeks––and better yet, they’re delightfully scented. Label each container as it is planted. Adjust the soil level until the tops of the bulbs are even or slightly below the rim of the container. Ripening fruit give off ethylene gas which can inhibit flower development and plant growth.) Prevent this by spreading a 2 inch layer of mulch over hyacinth bulbs right after the ground freezes. This fungus is highly contagious and can be spread by splashing water or even by plant foliage simply touching moist, infected soil. If your bulbs develop mold during forcing, throw them away.University of Minnesota: Spring Flowering BulbsWhite mold is caused by a soil-borne fungus that survives out of the soil by feeding on bulbs. Include the name of the cultivar and the planting date. There are several reasons that can be attributed to hyacinth plant flopping. Temperature: Cool 45-65°F/7-18° C. Make your flowers last longer by keeping them in a somewhat cooler location. Water regularly until the foliage turns yellow, and then let the pot go dry. Containers for forcing can be plastic, clay, ceramic, or metal. Blue mold is a common hyacinth bulb mold. (When using the refrigerator for storage, place the potted bulbs in a plastic bag if the refrigerator contains apples or other ripening fruit. If this occurs before flowering has happened then it's caused by keeping the bulbs in darkness for too long during the forcing period. Planting In Pots. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Learn how to grow hyacinths in your garden with the RHS expert guide on choosing, planting, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. The symptoms are grey or yellow sunken spots on the foliage that grow larger as the mold multiplies or powdery white mold patches on the underside of the leaves.Fertilize your potted hyacinth once during the bloom, and once after the flowers have faded. To be in flower for Christmas planting must be done ahead of time; Hyacinths: The exact timings for hyacinths will vary according to the cultivar. Then place one or more hyacinth bulbs on the soil surface. Planting Indoor Hyacinths - forcing hyacinth bulbs. Hyacinths are one of the most popular bulbs for indoor blooms. Our Prepared Hyacinths are treated in a special way through a cooling process to trick them to believe that winter has been and gone and it is time to grow.

However, these mold spores are not caused by the moisture. Most hyacinth bulbs for indoor use are forced to flower; this means they're chilled for a period of time to mimic the conditions of overwintering, which stimulates them to produce blooms.

Containers for forcing can be plastic, clay, ceramic, or metal.

After flowering has finished this is normal. Keep the plants well watered. Hyacinths are a special treat as their flowers are both attractive and fragrant. In weak light, the stems will be thin and the blooms will easily snap the stalk. Through this process, this makes these Hyacinths perfect for early forcing and indoor flowering. For a succession of bloom indoors, remove pots from cold storage every 2 weeks. Long limp leaves. It may cause the bulb to turn soft, pink or soft and rot in the container before it has a chance to germinate.