Cut back the flower stems to their base after flowering.

Carefully lift the fleshy rhizomes with a garden fork. Each petal is delicately marked with golden yellow and white flecks. Protect emerging shoots from slugs and snails. The bulbs of iris reticulata are shaped like teardrops and have a netting-like tunic that covers the outside of the bulb. Generally disease free. This beautiful Iris Reticulata flowers early in spring when little else in the garden is in flower, bringing vibrant violet-blue hues to your borders and patio pots. Remove dead flower heads and allow leaves to die back naturally. Correct planting depth is 4" deep and 3" apart, with the pointed end up. Plant iris reticulata bulbs in well drained soil.

How to Care for Iris Plants After Bloom ... Do this just after they're done flowering.

Taking Care of Iris reticulata. Pruning Iris reticulata. Snowdrops … Select the largest fans of leaves with the healthiest rhizomes … As the iris rhizomes like to see sunlight, they should be just below the surface. Pests and Diseases. Easy to grow, requiring very little care and attention. Kept cool, you should triple this flower … No pruning necessary. If they're stubborn, use a clean, dull knife to separate the plants. Remove any diseased or brown leaves when you see them, and in autumn, cut off any old or dying leaves.

Old clumps of irises should be divided every 3 to 5 years in July or after flowering before they become overcrowded and flowering is affected. They flower best in full sun, but may also be grown in partial shade. I've heard other gardeners say that this is also their experience. The decline of Iris reticulata Harmony is not gradual. Iris reticulata and Iris histroides are lovely in pots for the house (out of reach of marauding sparrows which tend to pick at their flowers) and will be in flower in February forced on a sunny windowsill.
Propagating Iris reticulata. Iris reticulata seem reluctant to naturalise and increase as some bulbs do - whenever I've grown them, either in pots or in the ground, they decrease year after year. Once in flower, it’s essential to keep them cool or they go over in 4 or 5 days. Of all our spring flowering Iris, Iris Reticulata Pixie is a particularly popular variety for a number of reasons. If you like the type of bulb plant that you can just plant and leave alone for years, with little if any drop-off in a flowering display, then this is not the plant for you.

Sow seed under glass in autumn or spring. You will need to divide the plants and buy additional stock every few years to maintain anything like a peak display.

It should be easy to gently pull apart rhizomes by hand. I'm not sure what their ideal conditions are, but I …

The bulbs can also be lifted separated in early … Dig the entire iris clump out of the ground.
But a drawback of this plant is its tendency to peter out relatively quickly.