With the entry into service of the new Soviet Alfa-class submarine in 1977, th… The MK-48 replaced both the MK-37 and MK-14 torpedoes.

Mk-48型魚雷(Mark 48 torpedo)也是美國海軍與其盟國潛艦的主力重型魚雷,並且為反艦 / 反潛 雙用魚雷,這比很多飛彈還貴的魚雷,究竟有什麼樣的本領呢? #MK48實戰擊沈靶艦 The Mark 14 torpedo was the United States Navy's standard submarine-launched anti-ship torpedo of World War II.

Der Mark 48 oder kurz Mk 48 ist ein Schwergewichts torpedo, der in der United States Navy sowie der kanadischen, australischen und niederländischen Marine eingesetzt wird. US-Dollar liegen; das Gewicht eines Torpedos erhöhte sich auf 1662,75 kg.

The SSN 714 Norfolk fired the first ADCAP torpedo on 23 July 1988, sinking the FORREST SHERMAN class destroyer DD 938 Jonas K. Ingram. It was supplemented by the Mark 18 electric torpedo in the last two years of the war. "The Ships and Aircraft of the U.S. Fleet: Torpedoes". The weapon is carried by all U.S. Navysubmarines, including Ohio-classballistic missile submarinesand Seawolf-, Los Angeles-, and Virginia-classattack submarines.

gemeinsames fortschrittliches Breitband-Sonar-SystemDie Kosten für die Standardausführung lagen bei gut 2,3 Mio. Operational since 1972, it replaced the Mk-37 and Mk-14 torpedoes as the principal weapon of U.S. Navy submarines.

The improved version, Mk-48 ADCAP, is carried by attack submarines and the OHIO class ballistic missile submarines. The Mk-48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology.

The Mk-48 torpedo is designed to be launched from submarine torpedo tubes.

Starting in 2003, the US Navy began the Stealth Torpedo Enhancement Program which aims to upgrade the capability of the existing Mk 48 design by implementing alternative fuel sources including electric fuel cells, and a "swim out" capability. Er kann nur von U-Booten abgeschossen werden. Der erste Abschuss durch einen ADCAP erfolgte am 23. The Mk-48 torpedo is designed to be launched from submarine torpedo tubes. Im Laufe der Zeit wurde der Mark 48 mehrmals verbessert, so dass sich folgende Versionen ergeben: The MK-48 has been operational in the US Navy since 1972. The Mark 48 was initially developed as REsearch TORpedo Concept II, one of several weapons recommended for implementation by Project Nobska, a 1956 summer study on submarine warfare.

By the end of World War II, the Mark 14 t The Mk-48 is designed to combat fast, deep-diving nuclear submarines and high performance surface ships. "An Assessment of Undersea Weapons Science and Technology""Navy Engineers New Lethal, Super High-Tech Mk 48 Torpedo""US Agrees to Supply Taiwan With Advanced Torpedoes"AN/TPQ-53 Quick Reaction Capability Radar"Navy Planning Torpedo Restart, Would Be Modular Design With Multiple Payloads"On July 25, 2008 a MK 48 Mod 7 CBASS torpedo fired by an Australian In 2015 the USN announced plans to restart production and seek a more modular design.The U.S. Navy's New Lethal Torpedo Is Almost Ready for WarThe torpedo has been the subject of continued improvement over its service lifetime. Tests were run to ensure that the weapon could keep on with t… Die Kosten für eine ADCAP-Einheit soll bei etwa 3,5 Mio. The program is ongoing, with many details yet classified. It is also used on Canadian, Australian, and Dutch submarines. This weapon was plagued with many problems which crippled its performance early in the war. In the 1990s, a Mod 6 variant of the ADCAP provided much improved Raytheon Intelligence, Information and ServicesTechnicians perform maintenance on a Mark 48 torpedo in 1982."U.S. Juli 1988, als die Die Entwicklung des Mark 48 begann bereits 1957 mit Die Torpedos sind drahtgesteuert, das heißt, sie ziehen ein dünnes Kabel hinter sich her, über den der Bediener an Bord des U-Bootes die Aufschaltung auf ein Ziel beeinflussen kann. Als https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mark-48-Torpedo&oldid=199485058„Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“Torpedos nach dem MODS-ADCAP-Standard (ab 1995) enthalten zwei Hardware-Upgrades, die G&C-MOD (Guidance and Control, Der Torpedo wurde 1972 in Dienst gestellt. 48 ADCAP, die australische Marine laut Berichten 20. It is carried by all Navy submarines. The Mk-48 torpedo was designed at the end of the 1960s to keep up with the advances in Soviet submarine technology.

Lockheed has been working on upgrades to the Mk 48 torpedo Mod 6 and Mod 7 – which consists of adjustments to the guidance control box, broadband sonar acoustic receiver and … The weapon is carried by all The Mark 48 was initially developed as REsearch TORpedo Concept II (RETORC II), one of several weapons recommended for implementation by The torpedo's seeker has an active electronically steered "pinger" (2D "This is what makes the Mark 48 one of the deadliest torpedoes ever built"Polmar, Norman. With the entry into service of the new Soviet Alfa class submarine in 1972, the decision was made to accelerate the ADCAP program, which would bring significant modifications to the torpedo. Er wird von U-Booten der Klassen Insgesamt besitzt die US Navy 1046 Mk.