During the Games, Marvel (being a Career tribute) had medicine, food, water, and other supplies from the Cornucopia. District 13 (Graphite Mining and Nuclear Weaponry)Due to the uncertain nature of the location of the Districts, besides that District 13 was approximately a week on foot from the edge of District 12, it can be assumed that it was located around southern In the films, there is little to no mention of nuclear weapons.

In the 10th Hunger Games, both District 9 tributes, Panlo (male) and Sheaf (female), are killed in the Arena bombing prior to the beginning of the Games. In the first novel, the Gamemakers told the tributes that the feast would provide them with something they direly needed. Once the Games begin, the tributes from the Career-heavy districts (typically Districts 1, 2 and 4 in the book, just 1 and 2 in the film) … A total of 18 of 24 victors die during the events of Before the Dark Days war, District 13 specialized in The novels do not clearly state how much weaponry either District 13 or the government of Panem possesses.

The arrows included explosive arrows and regular arrows. When the results came, Commander Paylor, the leader of the rebellion in District 8, would become the next President of Panem. Each tribute is given special clothing to wear, depending on the environment, and then confined to an underground room, referred to as the "Launch Room" by the Capitol and the "Stockyard" by the Districts, until game time. The backpack held some knives, two extra spear heads, a flashlight, a small leather pouch, and a first-aid kit. As a result of both their own experiences and having to mentor tributes who ultimately die, most, if not all of the Victors frequently resorted to at least one kind of substance abuse as a coping mechanism, usually becoming alcoholics, like Haymitch or Chaff, or addicted to morphling, like the District 6 Victors, Katniss, or Johanna, sometimes both. The electric fence surrounding the district to prevent access to the woods is usually turned off, and Katniss and her friend After Katniss executed President Coin, Panem's government announced its first free election that all District and Capitol citizens can vote on who should be the first President of the free Democratic Republic of Panem. The Tour is usually held six months after the Games to keep the horror of the Games fresh in the minds of those living in the Districts. Although District 3 seems to have technological advantages over other districts, it is actually the poorest of the wealthy districts and typically does not do well in the Games. Children living there take pride in representing District 1 in the Games and are often among the group of tributes nicknamed "Careers" who illegally train for the Games from a young age so when they volunteer they have a higher chance of winning. In most Games, a well-stocked, often well-trained group of tributes band together to hunt down other individuals, until they are the only ones left to fight each other. There's no winners." In the In the 74th Hunger Games, the tributes from District 11 are Thresh, the tallest and most imposing of all tributes whom the others try to avoid as much as possible, and Rue, a 12-year-old petite girl who can climb and jump between trees and becomes Katniss' steadfast ally until her death.

The female tribute was attacked by the Careers on the first night and "finished off" by Peeta when her death did not occur immediately, as indicated by cannon blast. Overall, Marvel placed 8th out of 24, which was higher than his female counterpart, Glimmer. In the movie, he has short light brown hair and green eyes. In the book, the female tribute is shown as a Career and killed by the tracker jackers alongside Glimmer; however, in the film she barely makes an appearance. The Games are an annual cause for celebration in the Capitol; citizens gamble on the tributes and sponsor their favorites in the arena, providing water, food, weapons and other necessary provisions. They were created by the Gamemakers to draw the three remaining tributes together for the finale.

The Peacekeepers ensure that the laws of the Capitol are obeyed and publicly punish those who break them. The initial competition is called the "Bloodbath" and the scramble for supplies usually results in intense fighting, with a significant number of tributes killed in the first few minutes or hours of the Games. "As I try to avoid looking at his family, I learn that his name was Marvel. District 12's geography is dominated by forests and meadows. I suppose that before the Games I didn't pay attention and afterwards I didn't want to know." The Capitol controls all TV broadcasts within Panem.