“Consumerism Ashore SERIES 1 ⏱❤️ Now AVAILABLE on MMerch.com” Which mega-collector's wife is selling painted seashells for hundreds of dollars?

We welcome readers to submit letters regarding articles and content in Dozens of employees at MOCAD and the DIA demand the ousters of their executive directorsOusted MOCAD director hired one of Detroit's most prominent Black lawyers, accuses museum of violating her civil rightsThe historic — and possibly haunted — Traverse City State Hospital is offering 'after dark' tours next month The historic — and possibly haunted — Traverse City State Hospital is offering 'after dark' tours next month

The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) has fired chief curator and director Elysia Borowy-Reeder. Armageddon Beachparty Lounge celebrates first year with 'Vibrant Oasis' celebrationAll parts of this site Copyright © 2020 Detroit Metro Times.Get in loser, Hello Kitty and Barbie trucks are coming to Twelve Oaks MallJoin the Metro Times Press Club: Because no news is bad news.A 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' prequel, and other things to stream this week Which art magazine is reducing its print run? The current staff page lists 13 employees.“MOCAD has lost three Black curators within a six-month span of time, all within my brief time at the museum,” she wrote.

Ousted MOCAD director hired one of Detroit's most prominent Black lawyers, accuses museum of violating her civil rights Posted By Lee DeVito on Tue, Aug 11, 2020 at … The Scene.

MOCAD, of course, is just one of two Detroit arts institutions reeling these days. All Rights Reserved.artnet and our partners use cookies to provide features on our sites and applications to improve your online experience, including for analysis of site usage, traffic measurement, and for advertising and content management. controversy surrounding the museum loaning an El Greco paintingNew Red Order films to be screened as part of U-M's Penny Stamps Speaker Series on Friday Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox.

The MOCAD board fired its executive director, Elysia Borowy-Reeder, Wednesday, following allegations of mistreatment and racial insensitivity.

Next Article Deitch, when reached on email, said, “It has been our practice since I began in this field in the 1970s to never reveal the names of collectors or prices of sold works. Special Issues Democrats are worried Biden isn't campaigning enough in Michigan

Kazanjian said that, in response to the announcement, As it turns out, it is edition two, which was purchased by the (Credit where credit’s due: Wet Paint was tipped off to the Deitch-Musk connection by The correct Koons. Ousted MOCAD director hired one of Detroit's most prominent Black lawyers, accuses museum of violating her civil rights. LEADERSHIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Updated on June 16, 2020 Burton Aaron Lisa Applebaum Dr. Charles Boyd Christine Tobias Colman Lynn… The board announced its decision, effective immediately, this afternoon. In a release announcing her termination, the …

The termination of Borowy-Reeder was announced after an investigation, MOCAD said. Exterior view of Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit, 2017.

MOCAD’s Board Finally Takes Action After Former Staff Publish Allegations Against Director By Helen Holmes • 07/08/20 3:20pm The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD). The Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit (MOCAD) has fired chief curator and director Elysia Borowy-Reeder.The termination came in the same month that more than 70 former employees known as the MOCAD Resistance came forward with allegations that Borowy-Reeder had created a toxic workplace at the city's main hub for contemporary art.

“For numerous years, Elysia Borowy-Reeder has created a toxic environment which has isolated several current and former staff members and has left MOCAD’s reputation in the local community hanging on by a thread.”Colby Mugrabi attends the Private Opening of ‘Il Sarcofago di Spitzmaus e altri tesori’ exhibition at Fondazione Prada. What else do you call rejecting democracy, scapegoating immigrants, and being consumed by grievance? “We have tried to deliver on diversity, equity and inclusion since our inception. In late 2019, senior curatorElysia Borowy-Reeder. Photo courtesy Instagram.“We are aware of the recent departure and laying off of several staff—particularly Black staff and staff of color—and we want to encourage the institution to re-consider which side of history it chooses to stand on,” the letter reads. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the breaking news, eye-opening interviews, and incisive critical takes that drive the conversation forward.Unlike in past years, there will be no swank gathering to fête the artist, and no streams of Newport residents flocking to the show on opening day. That’s just awesome. Photo via Instagram.Installation view of Tokyo Pop Underground at Jeffrey Deitch. Read on for answers.Aerial view of MOCAD with NEKST murals by DONT, VIZIE, POSE, OMENS, REVOK, and SKREW, 2013, PHOTO: Colin M. Day.Borowy-Reeder did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Fascism?

I am unable to comment on whether this sculpture was included in our exhibition.”Yoohoo, indeed!

“I take the workplace allegations that have been made to heart, and am profoundly sorry for any harm I caused,” wrote Borowy-Reeder, who was placed on paid administrative leave July 8.