From now on, our e-mails will be sent and customer data will be stored and managed centrally by Nikon Europe BV in the Netherlands. Capture every moment and adventure of yours with its intuitive design, smart user interface, and comfortable camera body. It possesses all the hallmarks of what makes the FX line famous.
Prices may vary in practice. "Best if you want to upgrade from a smartphone camera, but don’t want to shell out $1,000+. Nikon D780 登場! 全新 D780 擁有先進 AF 系統,輕巧靈活的機身帶來重量級表現,絕對是不是你的最佳攝影伙伴! 瀏覽尼康香港頻道 Find out more.
Take it with you the next time you go exploring and share your experiences with the world. "Striking a perfect balance between performance and affordability, Nikon’s D5600 is a smart choice for photographers who want excellent image quality at a reasonable price. The new full frame mirrorless Z camera.
Search for Entry-level if you're starting out, Enthusiast if you've been shooting for a while, or Pro if photography is your business.Shoot Full HD movies or choose state-of-the-art 4K Ultra High Definition movies, ensuring your memories stay viewable for years to come. The D5600 is great for beginner and intermediate photographers, with a high-resolution 24.2-megapixel CMOS sensor and broad ISO range (100-25,600) for better quality photos in low light. Nikon Z 50 Camera +16-50mm VR + Ftz Adapter Kit. This camera has a 24.2-megapixel sensor with no optical low-pass filter that can take rich and vibrant photos that appear as lifelike as the real moment. Precision Equipment. 全新恆定光圈超廣角變焦鏡 NIKKOR Z 14-24mm f/2.8 S 解像度及描繪能力驚人,畫面於整個變焦範圍內皆銳利清晰!從畫面中心到邊沿,您都可盡情以非凡光效能開拓前所未有的創意空間!系列帶來極致表現和多種功能。不論您是愛好者還是專業人士,也會發掘出 Nikon 成為名攝影師首選的原因。不論是壯麗風景、有趣近攝以至任何拍攝場景,總有一款尼克爾鏡頭適合您,助您見證每個震撼人心的時刻。我們的閃光燈系統為您提供無窮無盡的打燈選項。閃光燈是創新打燈系統的一份子,為您開創光明大道,探索無限可能。NIKKOR Z f/2.8 S 系列最後成員登場,讓您重新領略超廣角變焦鏡頭的強勁效能Nikon Asia、Nikon 企業旗下網站及外部第三方合作夥伴會使用 Cookie 來改良網站,提升用家體驗。 我們採用分析型 Cookie 及營銷型 Cookie 來了解用家資料、放送個人化廣告,並評估相關成效。 這些 Cookie 會追蹤用家瀏覽及使用我方網站的狀況、用家分析數據,以及用家購物數據等資訊。 如按下「接受 Cookie」或繼續瀏覽而不更改設定,即表示您同意本網站使用 Cookie。 如欲了解更多詳情,請參閱我們的《您將可盡情探索改進攝影技術的小貼士、專業攝影技巧、各式工作坊與課程,更可細閱鼓舞人心的小故事—一切皆為您而設,伴您將創意巧思提升至嶄新層次SnapBridge 可讓您輕鬆控制及取用相機所捕捉的珍貴畫面。現在,您可於拍攝期間將影像同步至智能手機或平板電腦,並極速分享尼康高品質影像。NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.2 S 將為您捕捉最真摰情感,以最豐富細節重現回憶。在淺景深下,作品立體感驚人,您將被美不勝收的散景所震撼,順光或逆光,作品依舊亮眼,最適合時裝及婚禮攝影!Z 5 將融入日常生活之中— 這款全片幅無反光鏡相機可在各式場景下伴您盡展創意, 透過出眾處理效能與相機內置減震功能,訴說您的動人故事。而且,一切盡由您所知所愛的 Z 接環系統盛載!無論您遨遊何地,這款鏡頭都會是完美旅伴— NIKKOR Z 24-50mm f/4-6.3 在同級全片幅格式變焦鏡頭中屬最短、最輕, 配搭 Z 5 運作,超強效能與便攜特色即盡在您掌心!攝影師踏足世界每個角落,遨遊探索,見證歷史遺蹟,捕捉文化點滴,走的每一步都是為了透過鏡頭記錄自己的非凡經歷,呈現出讓人再三回味的壯麗影像,您又會怎樣運用您的尼克爾鏡頭?Nikon School 帶來一系列攝影課程,由入門到大師班,全方位為您的照片注入生命力!For the respective product avaliability and price, kindly contact the local Nikon office or Nikon authorised distributor for more information一系列最新 Nikon 相機及鏡頭以優惠價格開放予所有 Nikon 用家租用。若先試後買,更可退還租金!自1948 年起,我們的菲林相機一直受全球攝影師愛戴。發掘使用我們巧奪天工的 F6 和 FM10 SLR 拍攝菲林相片的樂趣。全新 D780 擁有先進 AF 系統,輕巧靈活的機身帶來重量級表現,絕對是不是你的最佳攝影伙伴! The camera uses XQD memory card technology to provide faster read and write transfer speeds to transfer your"This powerful, agile camera is the perfect tool for any photographer. 24.2 MP DX-format sensor; ISO light-sensitivity range of 100-25600; Full HD movies; Creative Effects; £415.00.
You must also reserve different pre-order products separately, instead of including them in one order.Single vision and progressive addition lensesUse the filters above to narrow your results.Refine your choice by effective megapixels, the number of pixels used by the camera’s sensor to create the image: more megapixels mean higher image resolution.Product firmware updates, software downloads and user manuals >Choose a DX or FX image sensor: DX format is smaller in size, but covers less of the image projected by the lens, giving a 1.5x crop factor.
Find out how here. Take a tour of the new Z 50. Find out more. Nikon COOLPIX P900 Digital CameraIf you want to upgrade from your smartphone camera, but you aren’t willing to shell out one thousand or more dollars on one, the Nikon D3400 is an excellent compromise.