Came into being by splitting the social part of the PEST into environmental and economic element To be successful in today’s modern world. Know the external factors and growing trends to determine how you can use them advantageously.What are the core values that I believe that others fail to exhibit?An example of personal SWOT analysis is given below:Helps you in examining your weaknesses and how to convert them into strengthsHelps you to comprehend your core values, farsighted vision, and life purposes.Could any of my weaknesses result in a threat?Uber: Mission Statement | Cultural Norms | Principles | Philosophy (2020)What tasks I usually avoid to do because I don’t like them or I don’t feel confident doing them?Am I facing some issues in my career or company? Actually,There is no better way to explore and figure out your crucial goals than performing a personal SWOT analysis.Figure them out with the following questions:Do I have some undesirable work habits?

It simply means strengths, weakness, opportunities, threats.

If person knows his or her strength & opportunities … We often think that we know ourselves and there is no special need to actually jot down our strong and weak points. We recommend you to bear the following things in your mind when you are performing your SWOT analysis: Be honest to yourself – Introspect correctly and properly.

Hence, the advantages of the SWOT method, such as its suitability to solve a kind of business issues, do it a helpful tool to assist some planning (Pahl and Richter ,2007). Don’t hesitate in taking any opportunity that comes your way.


Wrong!Do business and technological changes threaten my current position?Is my industry growing or do I have an opportunity in other industry?Do I have some advantages that others don’t have? • Costco created and stuck to aCopyright © 2020 All rights reserved.Characteristics Of Integrated Marketing CommunicationMy weaknesses are my over-commitment to my ways. PERSONAL SWOT ANALYSIS To be successful in today’s modern world. I'm very creative.

The techniques used in this matching stage are the SWOT Matrix.

Here is an example of what a SWOT analysis could look like for someone who is job hunting: Strengths. Write down your unique qualities and skills. Secondly, political and economic factors that might be involved in business and finally, factors which can impact business generally.

Performing this analysis will often provide key information – it can point out what needs to be done and put problems into perspective. As Confucius once said, “Do a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life“. You can make it in a more detailed way by asking questions, as shown in the following example. Undeniably, knowledge about what we can do better and where we need improvements can assist us in becoming admirable people (Jones & Loftus, 2009). How can you prioritize the important ones among them? I believe I can improve upon this weakness by prioritizing my tasks.

CFA Institute Does Not Endorse, Promote, Or Warrant The Accuracy Or Quality Of WallStreetMojo. Method...........................................................................................3. Example 2 - Personal SWOT Analysis Questions Know your core values and purposes (what’s more important to you and why? 711 Words 3 Pages. (like in education, training, skills, and knowledge)For example, when technological developments became accessible, many smart individuals entered the field, learned the techniques, and achieved aOnce you are done with the SWOT analysis, the final step is to take action.