(See Mikraei Kodesh 38, Halichos Shlomo page 336, Tzitz Eliezer 14:65, 15:31, Yalkut Yosef Kitzur S.A. page 773, Avnei Yashfei 4:83 and Yismach Yisrael page 95) It is therefore clear that two different brachos are not required. In order to commemorate these miraculous turn of events, we celebrate Purim on the 14th of Adar (and in walled cities such as Jerusalem, on the 15th of Adar) with feasts, sending gifts of food to our friends and the needy, and with the reading of the Megilla, the story of Purim. The Mishnah Berurah (3) explains that one should begin wearing the Shabbos clothing on Purim night (when the Megillah is read).Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:2) The common practice is for the shul/tzedaka pushka to supply three half dollars. 11) All agree that if a woman cannot go to shul, she should read Parshas Zachor herself from a chumash, since according to the Minchas Chinuch one can fulfill the biblical obligation by reading it in a chumash (Yabia Omer ibid. [He adds that once his father gives on the minor’s behalf, he is obligated to continue doing so. The Mishnah Berurah cites the view of the Tosafos Yom Tov that one is actually obligated once he reaches the age of thirteen. Juli 2020. von Rabbi Emmanuel Patcas 22. 7) The Rama writes that one is only obligated to give Machatzis Hashekel once one reaches the age of twenty. (Yalkut Yosef Kitzur Shulchan Aruch page 770)3) The poskim maintain that giving a check to a poor person fulfills the mitzvah of Matanos L’evyonim. (Mishnah Berurah 694:4, Kaf Hachaim 694:25, Yismach Yisrael page 28 view of Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a)8) The poskim debate whether one can fulfill the mitzvah by sending spices which are not eaten on their own, such as sugar, pepper, etc. In orthodoxen Gegenden in Israel beherrscht Purim das Straßenbild. He maintains that as long as one prays with a high level of seriousness and does not stoop to levity, it is permitted. However, the Sefer Ha’Chinuch maintains that women are exempt from hearing Parashat Zachor since the underlying reason for reading this portion is to remember the actions of Amalek in order to wage war against them and women do not usually take part in active combat nor are they commanded in the Mitzvah of fighting; therefore, they are not obligated to hear the reading of Parashat Zachor. Av Halacha Die 9 Tage Diverse Halchachot. (see Sefer Matammim Purim 3) One of the reasons given is that the word “Tash” in Hebrew means “weaken.” Therefore, the hamantash celebrates the weakening of Haman and our wish that G-d always save us by weakening our enemies. 3 page 398-399 and B’Yitzchak Yikare on Mishnah Berurah)2) There are two reasons found in the poskim for this Mitzvah.

Harav Eliezer Yehuda Waldenberg zt”l (Tzitz Eliezer 9:33) writes that most commentaries disagree with this assumption and they maintain that one need not send it through a shliach, rather, one may deliver it by himself. If one sends them in the mail before Purim and it arrives on Purim day it would seem that one fulfills his obligation since the package was received on Purim. He writes that it is preferable to listen quietly to the reading of the chazan without reading along with him. The Ritva writes that even a perutah (i.e., a minuscule amount of money) may be given to each of the two poor people in order to fulfill this mitzvah. in memory of the half-shekel that was donated in Adar to purchase animals for the communal sacrifices. (Ask the Ba’al Korei at that time to have in mind to be motzi you. The common practice is that the husband performs Machatzis Hashekel for the women in his family. However the Aruch Hashulchan (695:17) maintains one does not fulfill his obligation if it was shipped before Purim, even if it arrives on Purim day.4) Many people wear costumes on Purim. (Beer Moshe 8:94, Minchas Yitzchak 4:109)5) Harav Belsky zt”l (Piskei Harav Belsky ibid.) For practical halacha, a rav must be consulted.6) There is a mitzvah to eat a meal (“Purim Seuda”) on Purim day. Harav David Feinstein shlit”a (Vedibarta Bam page 501) also feels that women are exempt from hearing Parshas Zachor, however, those that chose to hear the reading have performed a mitzvah.2) Pregnant and nursing do not fast if they are feeling weak. Megillah 5b) vermerkt: „Chiskija las die Megillah in Tiberias am vierzehnten und am fünfzehnten, da er nicht genau wusste, ob diese Stadt bereits zur Zeit von Jehoschua ben Nun eine Stadtmauer hatte oder nicht“.Jüdische Feiertage: Was feiern wir überhaupt?Der halbe Schekel und das Feuer – Parascha Ki Tisa und PurimKönigin Waschti wurde abgesetzt, da sie den unzüchtigen Anforderungen ihres betrunkenen König-Gemahl nicht nachkommen wollte. „Man darf an den Mitzwot nicht vorbei gehen“ und deshalb muss ein Soldat für die zuerst anstehende Mitzwa Urlaub beantragen, was in diesem Fall die Keriat Megillah abends ist.