Quite frankly, this loathsome monstrosity is not even good enough to be considered a vegetable. Surely the USDA retains some info? Amid the news that the Red Delicious is no longer the most popular apple in the U.S., a TODAY editor comes to its defense. While it’s not my go-to variety of apple (I do love the Gala, among others), I do eat it from time to time, and I’ve never harbored such negative feelings for it. Thanks for the history.This setting should only be used on your home or work computer.Jackson: I have heard people claim that they have scions from the original tree. The words “boring” and “mealy” were thrown about.As it happens, there was a fruit vendor nearby the office that sold Red Delicious apples, so I briefly stepped out to buy one. The apples we got from central New Jersey were so crunchy and had just the right amount of sweetness. The story begins with the Ben Davis apple. If you want something close to what you knew and love, you’ll probably have to grow it yourself.They literally bred the flavor out of the apple.”Yankee Magazine’s Ultimate New England Summer GuideGet Rid of Skunk Odor | Methods to Deskunk Your Dog“It turns out that a lot of the genes that coded for the flavor-producing compounds were on the same chromosomes as the genes for the yellow striped skin,” Traverso explains, “so as you favored the more consistently colored apples, you were essentially disfavoring the same genes that coded for great flavor.”63 Reasons Why We Love the Cape & Islandsthe end of the Red Delicious apple’s long reignExtremely popular during the 19th century and early 20th century, this cultivar was known to fruit growers as a “mortgage lifter” because it was so reliable. Get the best news, information and inspiration from TODAY, all day longTrending stories,celebrity news and all the best of TODAY.They are not alone in thinking the Red Delicious deserved to be brought down a notch. Debatable. The Red Delicious apple is “gorgeous and very inviting, but it’s kind of like you think you’re buying a Corvette, and then you get into a Chevette,” says apple grower Mike Beck. As Traverso says: “Take a break and read about all of your favorite locations that made the Best of New England Hall of Fame.After one bite of Hiatt’s creation, the president of Stark Brothers exclaimed, The downfall of the RD apple is well-known.What I want to know is whether any of the old rootstock or original genetic material remains to revive it. I always thought whoever came up with the name “Red Delicious” had a twisted sense of humor. Red Delicious apples are high in dietary fiber and contain vitamin C. They offer a small amount of vitamin A and sodium and traces of calcium and iron. Cortland? I only love Red Delicious, but haven’t been able to buy them for years. Maybe this is location based, but where I live most other varieties are HORRIFIC. He grew them on his own tree. I used to love the unique taste of a Red Delicious but the current apples have no flavor.A friend brought some to work.

Most are sports or strains that are more red. Good ingredients equal good products. Soon, however, selective breeding took its toll.As an apple collector, breeder, enthusiast, I think the old style RD are a respectable apple. “Red Delicious is another excellent choice because the dark red skin is rich in anthocyanins [a type of antioxidant],” says Sarah Mirkin, a nutritionist and registered dietician in L.A. As mentioned above, this apple boasts the highest level of antioxidants, based on a study by the American Chemical Society.