
The correct phrase is "in regard to." Copyright © 2010 by Capitalising on that trend while simultaneously aiming to tackle the UK’s obesity pandemic, the government has promised ‘a revolution in cycling and walking’. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! I would only use it in a formal setting such as a meeting or business email/letter. Spotify But ugh!

During lockdown, with car traffic substantially reduced, many people discovered – or rediscovered – the advantages and pleasures of cycling. As the circling year veers towards mist and mellow fruitfulness, schools in the UK and many other countries are re-opening – or have already – from COVID-19 induced closures. From the Tour de France to the lexicon of cycling Semi-colons and colons look similar, but are used in very different ways. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom.

You send your (plural) regards. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. You might be able to remember this by singing the song "Give My Regards to Broadway" a few times. Both of the following examples are correct: With regard to your friend, let's hope she is well. Also, take the quiz at the end! Grammar Girl's Quick and Dirty Tips for Better WritingYou may, indeed, hear the plural—“in regards to”—all the time, but it rarely shows up in edited text such as the kind you find in

Linkedin As regards—note the s on the end—means the same thing. Quick & Dirty Tips™ and related trademarks appearing on this website are the property of Mignon Fogarty, Inc. and Macmillan Holdings, LLC.To make things more confusing, the correct choice is the plural word when you’re sending someone greetings or asking someone to pass along your warm or affectionate thoughts to another person.

Usually, a preposition is one word, and a prepositional phrase contains the preposition and its associated object, like in the bathtub or outside the window..

In regard to and with regard to are phrases that mean "regarding," "concerning," "on the subject of.".

Better options, depending on the particular sentence, include "concerning," "regarding," "about," "in," and "with." Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. Don't use it. You may be confused because "as regards" is another way to introduce a topic.Copyright © 2020 Macmillan Holdings, LLC. Here's how to make your sentences better, with a show tune thrown in for good measure.

4 Common Communication Mistakes to Avoid Don't use any substitutes. The court should have regard to the serious injuries which he had suffered and from which he would suffer for the rest of his life. Prepositions link objects to other parts of a sentence. I would tend to use it to start a sentence introducing a new topic, but you can also use it in the middle of a sentence: Thank you for your email. I would generally advise you to avoid both of these phrases at the beginning of a sentence.

But this sentence is better: This letter concerns your message dated January 5.

In that/this regard definition is - —used to refer to something just mentioned. Use a colon to introduce an idea, a list, or anything that further explains the first part of the sentence. The phrases in regards to and with regards to are never correct, and you might garner criticism if you use them. Perhaps this is why people mindlessly pluralize regard and say in regards to and its partner in crime, with regards to..