Beginning on one foot, jump sideways to the opposite side (if on your right foot, jump to the left), and land on the opposite leg. 4. Since this drill covers all the most frequent movements players will make on defense, it’s one of the best basketball defense drills to get them used to these different movements. When you reach it, shuffle back to the first cone. Sets/Reps: 2x5, with 1 minute rest between sets I'm here to help you get quicker when moving from side to side so you can play better basketball defense.14 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do With a Basketball The Best Strength and Power Superset for Athletes Without lateral quickness, basketball defenders are doomed. The first player (on the sideline cone) will shuffle to the middle cone. Have two lines of players shuffle across the basketball court at the same pace, passing back and forth. When you reach it, shuffle back to the first cone. Watch Queue Queue. Here are the top three weight resistance exercises you can do to improve your lateral movement. Drill Name: Side Shuffle (Full Width of Court) Similar Drills: Lateral Cone Steps Drill, Crossover Steps Drill, Lateral Shuffle Hops Drill Drill Goal: Learn the proper footwork for the side shuffle and then improve on your quickness Equipment Needed: None Drill Tips: Stay Low and take short quick steps Drill Directions: Shuffle the entire length of the basketball court as quickly as you can. A defensive conditioning and agility drill. These simple drills will have you moving smoothly and quickly in no time.5 Dynamic Stretches for Basketball PlayersWhy Your Sprint Intervals Are Probably Way Too Long Early Specialization vs. Engage your kids in practice. Watch Queue Queue Have two lines of players shuffle across the basketball court at the same pace, passing back and forth. A defender who is slow laterally will be easily juked and left looking silly on the court. Basketball Defensive Drills - Defensive Shuffle Drill. In this drill, set six balls down on the ground and stand behind them. Starting underneath the basket with your back to the court. This [tag]defensive basketball drill[/tag] will help your basketball players develop their [tag]defensive footwork[/tag]: shuffles and slides. However, for the purpose of improving lateral quickness, you will perform a 5-5-5-5 version. At the switch to backpedal, emphasize players using their peripheral vision not turning their heads!This basketball drill is licensed under a Can do the drill with 2 teams and have them stop at half court (use this only to save time). A few simple exercises will help you quickly improve lateral movement as a defender. Topics: This can be relatively simple to accomplish. This is a rapid-fire basketball drill/passing game that…All of TeamSnap's ebooks, articles, and stories in one place. 8 Ways to Become a Better Basketball PlayerThis plyometric exercise is also a footwork and balance drill, but it will help you improve your lateral movement capabilities. Touch the line and repeat until you have covered the distance four times for 20 yards.Basketball Off-Season Workout: Strength and SizeImprove Quickness With Lateral Speed DrillsKobe Bryant's 5 Most Beastly Moments in the Gym3 Common Sprinting Tips That Actually Make You Slower Setup: Since it’s hard to explain where the cones and movements are by writing, I encourage you to take a look at the image associated with this drill for better comprehension. Shuffle Pass Drill In this youth basketball drill, Magic Johnson explains that the shuffle pass drill is a great tool for improving footwork, passing and timing. Dear High School Football Players: No, You Don't Run a 4.4 40 Playing Multiple Sports Helped Patrick Mahomes Become the NFL's Most Magical QB 4 Drills For Building an NBA-Style Explosive First Step Quick Cues to Clean Up Your Kettlebell Swing How to Choose the Right Private Coach for Your Youth Athlete The traditional 5-10-5 version of this drill is often used to test football players. Why Nutrition Isn't About Making the 'Perfect' Choice Basketball Quickness Drills with the San Antonio Spurs Get Ripped With This Unconventional Barbell Workout Instant access to FREE resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better.Most athletes focus on linear speed, and they often neglect lateral speed and quickness. Repeat this movement side to side as explosively as possible.3 Ways to Increase Your Vertical Jump During Basketball SeasonThe Stockton Drill: Inside the Utah Jazz's Hellacious Conditioning TestNBA Chiropractors Reveal 5 Keys to Healthy Knees and AnklesRestricted hip mobility is the number one thing that will limit your lateral quickness. At the whistle the player defensive slides the length of the baseline. 5/5 Stars . this youth basketball drill, two offensive players n…National data actively tracking the safe return of youth sports activitiesMagic: Nigel you over there.