Was the chossid shmuel munkas or someone else? I think it should only be revised in terms of the volumes of alcohol consumed- only because the amount described would surely kill an ordinary drunk, let alone a pious man. His soiled clothes, and the strong scent of alcohol that hovered about him, attested to the cause of his slumber at this early hour. A card-game was underway, and a sizable pile of banknotes and gold and silver coins had already accumulated on the table.On the morning of the eve of the Holy Day, Reb Shmuel had heard of a Jew who, together with his wife and six small children, had been imprisoned for failing to pay the rent on the establishment he held on lease from the local nobleman. For him, it's already time for Growing up, my mother had always told us that we should not take a nap during the Yom Kippur fast, so as not to lose the meaning/effect of the fast.
"Drink this down in one gulp," he said to the Reb Shmuel, "and I'll give you 100 rubles." Now get out of here before I unleash my dogs on you." He risked to had been expeled from Synagogue forever, I understand that in desperate cases is ok to do dangerous things I guess(?) 69 Ibid. Please refill this glass for our drinking buddy!" Enter your email address to get our weekly email with fresh, exciting and thoughtful content that will enrich your inbox and your life. ), and we make a bracha of Aish. The Just Ask! Then he passed a tavern and saw a group of well-dressed young men sitting and drinking. Other than a sip of

If one’s Minhag is to use Besamim they should continue to do so. "They were about to send him off empty-handed, when one of them had a jolly idea: wouldn't it be great fun to get a pious Jew drunk on Yom Kippur? There is a custom not to sleep on Rosh Hashana during the day but I am not familiar with such an idea with regards to Yom Kippur. You will receive a link and will create a new password via email. Every creature of G_d has an unseen side known only to himself and our Creator. At first he hesitated to approach them at all: what could one expect from Jews who spend the eve of the Holy Day drinking and gambling in a tavern? For at midnight, the service of Yom Kippur begins with the Terumas HaDeshen, which consisted of removing some of the burnt coals and placing them on the floor next to the Altar. As with many things in life, we are too quick to judge. May we always set aside our judgements and make room for the possibility of our fellow person's best motives. cried the man, and handed him the 100 rubles. The scandalized crowd was about to eject the man from the room when the Rebbe turned from the wall and said: "Let him be. Actually, using your mother's logic, I would have thought that if a nap enhances a person's ability to concentrate for the last part of the Tefillot it would not only be permitted but it would be recommended. All day, he went from door to door. cried the merrymakers. When Yom Kippur falls out on Shabbos there are those who do use besamim.

A Jew drunk on the eve of the Holy Day? That is confusing from the side of the drunk man, I mean, when oportunities get to you but through things you shouldnt be doing! Sometimes I read something and afterwards find myself wishing that I could have nothing other posted than the smile that I'm probably smiling.Soon the room filled to overflowing, mercifully concealing the sleeping drunk from all but those who stood in his immediate vicinity. Signaling to a waiter, the man ordered a large glass of vodka. - AskTheRabbi.org Team

For he knew that if he first went home for something to eat before the fast, he would never make it to "A deal's a deal!" His alcohol-fogged mind was oblivious to all — the stares of his fellow villagers rushing about in their final preparations for the Holy Day, the ferocious barking of the nobleman's dogs, the joyous tears and profusions of gratitude of the ransomed family — except to the task of handing over the money to the nobleman and finding his way to the synagogue. Lost your password? There are two kinds of sin. Which Rebbe was this with? Yanki Tauber served as editor of Chabad.orgThose who arrived early at the village synagogue on This was the moment that the drunk chose to rise from his slumber, climb the steps to the raised reading platform in the center of the room, pound on the reading table, and announce: "Reb Shmuel looked from the glass that had been set before him to the sheaf of banknotes that the man held under his nose. Where would he find such a large sum of money at this late hour? Growing up, my mother had always told us that we should not take a nap during the Yom Kippur fast, so as not to lose the meaning/effect of the fast.

Great story! Reb Shmuel went to the nobleman to plead for their release, but the nobleman was adamant in his refusal. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with Chabad.org's Two liters and two hundred rubles later, Reb Shmuel staggered out of the tavern. Those who arrived early at the village synagogue on Yom Kippur eve could not but notice the man sleeping in a corner. Several of the congregants even suggested that the man be expelled from the synagogue. Many people consider Yom Kippur to be a sad and mournful day. Those who arrived early at the village synagogue on Yom Kippur eve could not but notice the man sleeping in a corner. The purpose of someone making a sin-offering was to make atonement for sins.

Please enter your email address. Yom Kippur itself is a fast day where Jews are supposed to pray a day of prayer and abstaining from both food and drink for 25 hours. A Jew drunk on the eve of the Holy Day? Since it was necessary that he not fall asleep lest he have an impure emission while sleeping, those around him kept him up all night. 16:30). We do not use Besamim.

But the point is well taken. "I need another 200 rubles to get the poor family out of prison! Waiter!

"One hundred rubles per glass! "But this is not enough," said Reb Shmuel, his head already reeling from the strong drink. The "Bravo!" I find that many people tell me that they , in fact ,take a nap during the fast…is it wrong to sleep during that day? Yom Kippur offers rituals that help people to reflect on their sinful nature and, ultimately, with the proper faith in the process of the substitute sacrifice, be seen as clean in God's eyes (Lev.