But the first episode of the series, which is narrated by host and producer Jane Marie, truly makes you feel that you’re being sold on such a … A prophet with total power. The Dream is a podcast that understands this, deeply and intimately. We get introduced to the fact that Gallucci — her co-host, creative collaborator, business partner, and boyfriend — himself buys into certain ideas and aspects of the wellness industry, at least marginally. ENJOY THE SHOW, and if … The Dream Detective Podcast explores the mysteries of the mind, body, spirit…and dreams! All-American is a new documentary podcast from Stitcher that explores a sports icon each season, starting with Tiger Woods. The Dream on Apple Podcasts 29 episodes In Season 2 we look at a world just as shady and mysterious as MLMs, but one whose promises are at times … Who among us has not been sold to or recruited by a direct sales or wellness “opportunity?” The Dream is our inoculation against such social viruses. ... Short Creek, is the latest investigative true crime podcast from Witness Docs, and Critical Frequency. The Audio Long Reads podcast is a selection of the Guardian’s long reads, giving you the opportunity to get on with your day while listening to some of the finest journalism the Guardian has to offer, including in-depth writing from around the world on immigration, crime, business, the arts and much more

Listen to The Dream episodes free, on demand.

All rights reserved.Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead at 87Nicki Minaj Scores Win in Legal Battle With Tracy ChapmanTamara Yajia Refuses to Confirm or Deny Her QAnon AffiliationWe caught up with the comedian and former Ace of Base cover-band star on Instagram Live.Every time a Goop story makes the rounds, I tend to hear the following inquiry bubble back up: Who on this burning planetYour Guide to New York Rap’s Next GenerationNurse Ratched now knows Dr. Hanover’s biggest secret. Who sells it? Listen here, or listen & subscribe on: To submit a dream, or an intuitive or paranormal experience, go to the Ask The Dream Detective page for full info. What is it? What will she do with it?The show does provide an explanation of sorts for its hard-line skepticism.

The sentiment is delivered somewhat playfully, and it clearly comes from a loving place, but it is also slightly presumptuous in the belief that everyone — at the very least you, the “not crazy” listener — shares the severity of the assessment.The streaming device giant and NBCUniversal have reached an agreement.Yes, the Ruth Bader Ginsburg doc is a hagiography, but it has its cheeky aspect.Kate Winslet and Saoirse Ronan Have a Sexy, Empty Romance inEach moment is as wonderful and confusing as the next.A core case study of the first season revolves around why certain MLMs strategically target women, capitalizing on their historic disenfranchisement from economic opportunity by offering the (semi-)illusion of upward mobility and social achievement. The easiest way to listen to podcasts on your iPhone, iPad, Android, PC, smart speaker — and even in your car. Bonus and ad-free content available with Stitcher Premium. The Dream, which is produced by Stitcher and Little Everywhere, runs for 12 episodes.

)You can bet on these predictions … probably!There’s an utterly fascinating portion of the sophomore season’s second episode that underscores Marie’s point of view. No other era would stomach him.This may raise the question of whether I’d prefer a classically structured journalistic documentary project on these subjects that shies away from a strong point of view. In Season 2 we look at a world just as shady and mysterious as MLMs, but one whose promises are at times even more bombastic and unfathomable: WELLNESS.

Hear more great stories about complicated people from Witness Docs at witnesspodcasts.com.I am leaving a 5-star review for Season 1 in the hopes Season 3 will be just as thoroughly researched and informative. Later in that same episode, we learn that Marie suffered from a childhood incident that has, among other things, led to sustained periods of horrendous pain throughout her life.