"White southern planters, African American slaves, and White yeoman farmersEuropeans were exposed to Arab trade goods and were reacquainted with their classical heritage.The most consistent and effective means of colonial protest before the revolution wereWhat is true of the Civil Rights Act of 1875?The Waltham plan, later known as the Lowell system,Which of the following events was caused by the others?What did slaves in the Chesapeake do in response to their situation?As a young revivalist preacher, Charles Grandison Finney's success was due in part to hispaper, paint, glass, and tea imported into the colonies.True or false: Samuel Colt invented interchangeable parts?Talent and hard work could lead to improved social status.What statements accurately characterizes Great Plains Indian participation in the buffalo trade in the early and mid-1800s?The House of Representatives decides the outcome.Protective tariffs, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bankTo flee Europe's deadly epidemics, for an opportunity to seek riches, and to be masters of their own labortreated the English as potential allies and attempted to integrate them into his chiefdom.protested the loss of American rights and liberties and declared that only elected representatives could impose taxes on colonists.insisted on equal legal rights for married women.They were granted to transportation, iron-mining, textile-manufacturing, and banking enterprises and often included eminent domain or monopoly rights to a transportation route.They were initially paid less than white soldiers, were forced to serve in segregated all-black units under white officers, and were mainly used to build fortifications and guard supply lines.Despite the effects of disease, enough settlers poured in to raise the population of Virginia from 2,000 in 1622 to 80,000 in 1640.adopting a hands-off, limited-government stance.The major cause of death for Civil War soldiers wasIn his so-called Freeport Doctrine, Stephen DouglasWar against the French in America, a surge in colonial trade and debt, and the Enlightenment and PietismIn general, the mercantilist policies pursued by the British government during the eighteenth century called for the American colonies to produceAbout 5 percent of southern Whites owned 50 percent of the South's slave population.New Englanders resented the Quebec Act of 1774 becauseThe Townshend Acts of 1767 imposed duties onAs American factories and farms turned out more goods during the Industrial Revolution, merchants and legislators created faster and cheaper ways to get those products to consumers in what came to be known as theThe significance of the Battle of Saratoga was that itThe annexation of Texas, the acquisition of California, and lower tariffsWhat was a result of American protests in the early 1770s?a growing freedom that many felt to challenge authority within and outside the church.The short-lived era of canals was replaced byprohibited slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico.In 1869, American women first received full voting rights inAs a result of the Embargo Act of 1807, the American economyParliament repealed the Townshend Acts, except for the duty on tea.What accurately characterizes life in the seventeenth-century Chesapeake region?The principle of judicial review was first upheld inA Federalist New Hampshire politician opposed to the War of 1812What was true of corporate charters granted in the United States between 1790-1820?asserted that settlers could exclude slavery from a territory by not adopting local legislation to protect it.What groups settled in the Mid-Atlantic colonies in the mid-1700s?Why did English, French, and Spanish settlers come to the Americas?an attempt to save Indian lands and culture in New England.The Stamp Act Congress held in New York in 1765The English immigrant who secretly brought the design of the most advanced British machinery for spinning cotton to America in 1789 wasWhat statement is most true of sharecropping?school authorities could pay women less than they paid men.The main motive for King Philip II's attack on England in 1588 was tofell into a slump and by 1808, exports had plunged to about one-fifth the pre-embargo level.The Emancipation Proclamation stated thatWhat accounts for the sharp decline in the American birth rate from 1790 to 1820?Indians ceded much of Ohio and acknowledged American political sovereignty in theThe South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written by John C. Calhoun, was most similar to the arguments made byit marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the power to rule national laws unconstitutional.Which Puritan idea became a middle-class conviction with a secular twist during industrialization in the early 1800s?admittance of California as a free state, popular sovereignty in the remainder of the Mexican cession, and abolition of the slave trade in Washington, D.C.The largest slave uprising of the eighteenth century wasWhat was not a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?Northern and southern Whigs differed over what issues?Free blacks could not work for the U.S. One citizen is leading a crusade for California to secede from the Union today.The force of events moved very quickly upon the election of Lincoln. Puritans placed an emphasis on the conversion experience, opposed Catholic rituals, and believed that local congregations should have the authority to choose their ministers.What accurately describes Puritan beliefs in late-sixteenth-century England?According to the Constitution, what happens when no presidential candidate receives a majority of the electoral votes?President Martin Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 byprohibited slavery throughout the United States.Many feminists who had been abolitionists were disappointed that the Fifteenth Amendment made no reference to gender and permitted states to continue to deny suffrage to women.slaves in the seceded states would be freed.There was a conflict between states over western land claims.Influenced by Enlightenment science, who believed that God had created the world but allowed it to operate in accordance with the laws of nature?it recognized Catholicism as the official religion of Quebec.placing greater emphasis on personal conversion rather than theological doctrine.justify colonial independence by blaming the rupture on George III.The states of the Lower South seceded and organized a provisional government of the Confederate States of America headed by Jefferson Davishigher tariffs, free homesteads for settlers, and federally funded internal improvements.Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce as a compromise candidate because he was a congenial man with southern sympathies.adopting new technology, switching to more profitable crops, and diversifying production.The colder climate in Plymouth limited the spread of mosquito borne-diseases. When the U.S. Federal Government made it clear that any diplomatic recognition of the Confederacy meant war with the United States, no nation was willing to go to war and would not assist or recognize the Confederacy. Senator William H. Seward of New York introduced the amendment in the Senate and Representative Thomas Corwin of Ohio introduced it in the House of Representatives.