It’s best to use pet-quality, farm-raised insects so you can be sure they’re free from pesticides – you can’t be sure with wild-caught insects.With a healthy diet, your pet hedgehog can live about 5 years. Hedgehogs can sometimes be very picky eaters and are quite content with their regular diet of dry cat food.By placing an order, the buyer agrees to If you are looking to own a pet hedgehog in the near future, one of the most important aspects of keeping your hedgie healthy will be a proper diet. He also needs healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals.Overall, a hedgehog’s diet should be high in protein and low in fat. Hedgehogs mainly eat creepy crawlies. An adult hedgehog only needs 1 to 2 tablespoons of kibble per day with 1 teaspoon of fresh fruit or cooked veggies. Larger hedgehogs may need a larger amount of food, but it’s important to avoid overfeeding because these pets are prone to obesity.Your email address will not be published.Though chitin is one of the most important elements in your hedgehog’s diet, it isn’t the only thing he needs. is a participant in several other affiliate programs, held by other merchants.If you’re going to feed your hedgehog insects to supplement his commercial diet, be careful how you go about it. Small, spiky and adorable. Hedgehogs are insectivores (insect-eaters), but they are not strict insectivores, as wild hedgehogs will eat different types of food, including mollusks (snails and worms), amphibians, lizards, snakes, birds’ eggs, fish, carrion, mushrooms, roots, berries, and melons. Fortunately, hedgehogs aren’t picky eaters, so you can feed your hedgehog a variety of foods to keep him healthy.Commercial hedgehog food may be the best option for your hedgehog, but it shouldn’t be offered alone. When offering insects, try to switch it up from day to day. What Do Hedgehogs Eat? Read on to learn more about what makes up a balanced diet for hedgehogs.Remember, your hedgehog is an insectivore, but you may have trouble creating a balanced diet feeding him insects alone. Make sure that the water is fresh and clean.Wild hedgehogs are insectivores, so they primarily eat insects they can find in their environment like grubs, worms, and spiders. They can be found in Forest biomes. In addition, wereallaboutpets.comYou can find things like mealworms, wax worms, and crickets at your local pet store or order them online.When it comes to how much you need to feed your hedgehog, be careful. We know what they eat from scientific studies that have analysed hedgehog poo or looked in the stomachs of hedgehogs killed on roads. In order to know where your pet hedgehog’s roots are in terms of food consumption, let’s take a look at what the hedgies eat when they don’t have an owner. The Average Lifespan Of A Pet Hedgehog Is 4 To 6 Years. What Do Hedgehogs Eat? Pet Hedgehog. Tamed by feeding one of their favorite foods. Make sure that your hedgehog’s diet is high in protein and low in fat, with the occasional tasty treat to keep things interesting.11 AdorableTypes of Hedgehogs You Should KnowHedgehog owners need to provide very specific foods for their pets to keep them healthy, so make sure you’re up for the challenge before choosing this pet. However, many people keeping them as pets get their diet wrong. Unlike rats, cats and most rabbits, they don’t really benefit from being housed with other pet hedgehogs, but they will form a bond with a human owner over time. JoAnna Pendergrass, DVM 10 Foods That Are Not Recommended for Hedgehogs: Phase out formula, transition to puppy or kitten foodMeeting Your Hedgehog’s Nutritional Needs16 Foods Toxic or Harmful for Hedgehogs: Because the hedgehog diet is so different from what you’d feed a cat or dog, these pets can be a challenge to keep.The pet known as the hedgie is a different species of hedgehog than the European hedgehog, the hedgehog species commonly found roaming gardens in the U.K.Because your hedgehog requires specific nutrients in his diet, a commercial hedgehog food is the best option.18 Foods Hedgehogs Can Eat in Moderation: