Here's why.My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help.The short answer: Because this past year was a leap year, not just in the secular calendar, but in the Jewish calendar as well.Just as the secular leap year corrects a problem in the Gregorian calendar — that the earth’s revolution around the sun takes 365 1/4 days, not 365 days — the Jewish leap year corrects a problem in Judaism’s mostly lunar calendar. When is Yom Kippur 2020.

"The celebration this year was really big, and we had more than enough food for everyone," Levi said. This Backpack Is Packed With Amazing Features,Halle Berry Just Confirmed Who She's Been Dating All Summer,‘We’re Not Scared’: Tens of Thousands of Motorcyclists Pack Lake of the Ozarks for Bike Rally,Why East Asians Were Wearing Masks Long Before COVID-19,Win or lose, Anton Khudobin has reached legendary status,Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87.a sin to recognize any other Gods or worship any idols.60+ Easy and Satisfying Avocado Recipes You Need to Try ASAP,"I Used To Love Getting Naked — And Then I Got Pregnant",45 Inspirational Books All Women Should Read in Their Lifetime. The prayer service begins with the Kol Nidre prayer, which is read until sunset. "Fasting gives me an opportunity for empathy," he told NPR last year. Instead, to coordinate the traditional lunar year with the solar year Judaism worked out a system of 19-year cycles, during which there are seven leap years. But this year, because of donations and a better farming season, these Ugandan Jews had enough money to buy honey to dip apples in — a Jewish custom that speaks to hopes of a sweet year. About 380 people attended, chanting prayers for hours and feasting on a freshly slaughtered bull.The past year has been joyous for him personally as well. Yom Kippur – the day of repentance among the Jews. They're sure to appreciate the gesture.Photo credit: Robert Nicholas - Getty Images,Celebrities Are Paying Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg,How To Transfer Your Family Memories To Digital.The Big Question: Can a Supreme Court Justice Be Replaced in an Election Year?Former Presidents Remember Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg,Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Newest Collar Was Sent to Her By a Fan Who Didn't Know She Would Wear It In Her Scotus Portrait,Indicators of Deep Vein Thrombosis May Be Crucial,Even on Her Deathbed, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Had a Message for Donald Trump,'AGT' magician Max Major called out for major fail: 'Dude is a fraud'.Trump Claims Canada Wants Border Reopened.

The nearest water well was a three-hour walk from the home of the relatives they lived with after their parents died.

Last week, Rosh Hashana, the Jewish new year holiday, ushered in the 10 days of repentance that end with Yom Kippur. Orphaned at age 7, he raised three younger brothers as well as a sister who later died.

"The day is marked by long services in the synagogue, with many prayers being repeated over and over again to let the words enter our own hearts so that we can pray them more deeply," Rav Tiferet explains. According to Jewish tradition, God enters the fate of everyone for the coming year in the “Book of Life” and waits for Yom Kippur to impose a sentence.Yom Kippur concludes the penitential period, which begins with Rosh Hashanah, the season of repentance and prayer. The holiday is celebrated over an approximately 25-hour period, beginning on the tenth day of,According to Rav Tiferet, Yom Kippur is based on. Click here for questions and answers about Rosh Hashanah, and click here for questions and answers about Yom Kippur. With him are his son Oren Levi (from left) and Moshe Isiko.Before Yom Kippur begins at sundown Tuesday, members of Uganda's Namutumba synagogue will sit down to a festive meal to prepare themselves physically and spiritually for the Day of Atonement. Yom Kippur concludes the “10 days of repentance” that begin with Rosh Hashana (New Year’s Day) on the first day …