The soil is a combination of weathered slate, loess and loam of the slopes next to the River Rhine. Blue Nun was reborn! Photograph: Blue Nun.

And if not, why not?Is it just ignorance that puts the British off German wine? Enjoy with poultry dishes, Asian cuisine, fish and vegetables. Click for the full poster. Truth be told, for the most part, these aren't bad wines, just simple ones – give me an honest liebfraumilch over a thin, acidic pub pinot grigio any day. But judging German wine by it is like judging British food by the chip butty – you can't argue with the appeal, but it's hardly the best thing this island has to offer.Riesling (which liebfraumilch may, but often doesn't contain) isn't known as the,Behind the staid-looking Gothic labels are men and women who aren't afraid of breaking with tradition – maturing their wine.The producers are puzzled by our stubbornness in the face of their charm assault – 'if you show up with sweet wines like this in Norway, you're like a rock star!' Anthony Hammond of the Garage Winery assures me, rather touchingly.Is it mere ignorant prejudice that puts Britain off German wine – do you drink it, and if so, what's your favourite? If you continue to browse, we'll consider you're accepting our,Other vintages of Blue Nun Eiswein Riesling,Blue Nun Winemaker's Passion Riesling 2009,Other vintages of Blue Nun Winemaker's Passion Riesling,Blue Nun Winemaker's Passion Riesling wine,Blue Nun Winemaker';s Passion Riesling 2011,Other vintages of Blue Nun Winemaker';s Passion Riesling,Blue Nun Winemaker';s Passion Riesling wine,Blue Nun Winemaker's Passion Riesling 2012,Other vintages of Blue Nun Eiswein Riesling 50cl.

Their philosophy is selection according to the “terroir” principle, which emphasises soil and localised climate. Go to shop Wine Wine. In 1995, Sichel merged with Langguth, of the 3 most important German wine firms. The first, and most successful of these was, of course, Blue Nun, which, according to Jancis Robinson's Oxford Companion to Wine, "preyed on the fears of an unsophisticated wine drinking public". Blue Nun Blue Finest Sparkling 藍仙姑藍樽香檳汽酒 (德國入口) Germany $ 15.23. no sales tax applies.

The renaissance of an iconic brand launched in 1921 - bought by the Langguth family of Germany in 1996, the legacy of eight generations of winemakers ensures consistent high quality. All this thanks to a new process known as,We use cookies, both own and third parties, to provide our services. Blue Nun, one of the oldest and best known German wine brands, was created in 1921 by H. Sichel Söhne. Rather presciently, at a time when Mateus Rose was still a malevolent glint in the eye of the Portuguese, they saw the potential of creating brands, which could be more easily marketed to the consumer than the traditional, and often confusing nomenclature.The first, and most successful of these was, of course.The problem is that the fruity, uncomplicated flavours of Blue Nun, and imitators like Black Tower, attract the novice drinker who, as their taste matures, has a tendency to churlishly spurn the wines which turned them on to the pleasures of the grape in the first place. In the old pressing room of his winery in the cloyingly picturesque Rhine village of Hattenheim, Stefan Ress has a framed copy of a page from the.Such historical curiosities are further proof (for those young enough to need it) that, until liebfraumilch came along and spoilt the party,Instead, like drunks at closing time, we sought our pleasure elsewhere, and the natural sweetness of German wines appealed immediately to the Victorian palate. The vineyards for the Blue Nun wine are in the foreground of Langguth's quality. Since then it has continued to grow to be the best known and beloved German World brand. blue nun The art of Winemaking Crafting classic wines from the vineyards of the romantic Rhine since 1857.