When we were come to the tops of the first hills of the plains adjoining to the river, we beheld that wonderful breach of waters which ran down Caroli; and might from that mountain see the river how it ran in three parts, above twenty miles off, and there appeared some ten or twelve overfalls in sight, every one as high over the other as a church tower, which fell with that fury, that the rebound of water made it seem as if it had been all covered over with a great shower of rain; and in some places we took it at the first for a smoke that had risen over some great town. Raleigh believed that the culture was once a part of the rich Inca culture of Peru and that it must be the fabled city they were seeking. And I found that those also of Caroli were not only enemies to the Spaniards, but most of all to the Epuremei, which abound in gold.

It is besides so defensible, that if two forts be builded in one of the provinces which I have seen, the flood setteth in so near the bank, where the channel also lieth, that no ship can pass up but within a pike’s length of the artillery, first of the one, and afterwards of the other. The graves have not been opened for gold, the mines not broken with sledges, nor their images pulled down out of their temples. 1552-1618),”  Accessed July 13, 2017,  (New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2003), 72.British explorer who sponsored the first attempt to found a permanent English settlement at Roanoke Island, and later sought to find the legendary city of El Dorado.. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2006. Exceeding through the ranks he was knighted and in 1585, just two years later, he became the captain of the queen’s guard. But we wanted all things requisite save only our desires and good will to have performed more if it had pleased God. . . Raleigh’s expedition was viewed as a failure. When Europeans first started crusing throughout the Atlantic Ocean, they had been trying to find new routes to China and the East, however what they discovered was greater than they imagined: the New World. If not, I will judge those men worthy to be kings thereof, that by her grace and leave will undertake it of themselves.For writing what thou art, or showing what thou were,from “Of Cannibals” by Michel de Montaigne (1588)The Uprising of 1381 (The Peasants’ Revolt)from The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women by Joseph SwetnamTHE INTERESTING NARRATIVE OF THE LIFE OF OLAUDAH EQUIANO, OR GUSTAVUS VASSA, THE AFRICAN.from Dedicatory Epistle to The Principal Navigations by Richard Hakluyt (1589)from A Brief and True Report of the New-Found Land of Virginia by Thomas Hariot (1585)Reading: From The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of MonmouthAn envious boy, from whom all cares arise,Keep these among the rest, or say it was a dream,There is therefore great difference between the easiness of the conquest of Guiana, and the defence of it being conquered, and the West or East Indies. So as we encamped upon the banks adjoining, and sent off our Orenoquepone which came with us from Morequito to give knowledge to the nations upon the river of our being there, and that we desired to see the lords of Canuria, which dwelt within the province upon that river, making them know that we were enemies to the Spaniards; for it was on this river side that Morequito slew the friar, and those nine Spaniards which came from Manoa, the city of Inga, and took from them 14,000 pesos of gold. By land the countries are either desert, mountainous, or strong enemies. He was born around 1552 but most of his beginning is uncertain. And the shining glory of this conquest will eclipse all those so far-extended beams of the Spanish nation. Yet heavy rains soon caused the rivers to become too rough to travel. So as the next day there came down a lord or cacique, called Wanuretona, with many people with him, and brought all store of provisions to entertain us, as the rest had done. Guiana hath but one entrance by the sea, if it hath that, for any vessels of burden. It hath never been entered by any army of strength, and never conquered or possessed by any Christian prince.

At 17 Sir Walter Raleigh attended Oxford College he fought in Queen Elizabeth’s army and soon came to be one of her favorites. By land it is more impossible to approach; for it hath the strongest situation of any region under the sun, and it is so environed with impassable mountains on every side, as it is impossible to victual any company in the passage.