Hestia's name and functions show the hearth's importance in the social, religious, and political life of ancient Greece. goddess her whole existence. Goddess of: Home, hearth, and family Symbols: Hearth, fire, kettle Parents: Cronus and Rhea Children: None Spouse: None Abode: Mount Olympus (sometimes Delphi) Roman name: Vesta Hestia is the Greek goddess of home, hearth, and family. In modern language, that might sound like the same thing as "goddess of the fireplace" or "goddess of the space-heater", but in ancient Greek mythology it meant much more than that. Hestia. There did not need to be. She was, for a while, on the council of 12, like her brothers She is usually considered one of the Twelve Olympian gods that live on Mount Olympus. Greek god world, and all were Olympians, members of the Council of the sea. and even went so far as to ensure that the love goddess Those who left to start a new colony would traditionally take a torch lit by the fire of the town hearth and carry it to the location of their new town. Hestia. Her brothers were Zeus, Poseidon, and Making and preserving fire was both essential and difficult for more primitive societies, which made the household fire … Hestia was born to Kronos and Rhea. Hestia is described as a kind, forgiving and discreet goddess with a passive, non-confrontational nature. Hestia was a gentle Still, she declined them and swore by to remain eternally a virgin and take her place … Zeus was the king of all the gods. •In Ancient Rome, Hestia was called by the name of Vesta. All of her brothers and sisters had powerful jobs in the ancient Greek god world, and all were Olympians, members of the Council of 12, rulers of the gods. Greek Goddess of the Hearth and Domestic Life. Zeus, however, was saved by his mother when she gave her husband a rock wrapped in cloth instead of the infant who later returned and made his father cough up his siblings. Hestia’s name means “hearth” or “fireplace,” and her status shows how important the hearth was in the social and religious life of Ancient Greeks. It gave them great comfort. She was one of only three virgin goddesses, next to Athena and Artemis.Although both Poseidon and Apollo wanted to marry her, Hestia made an oath to Zeus that she would remain forever pure and undefiled, never entering into a union with a man. Hyginus Preface, Ovid Fasti 6.285)[1.2] KRONOS (Homeric Hymns 18 & 24)[1.3] RHEA (Pindar Nemean Ode 11) One day, she asked the god Dionysus The sacred fire on the sacrificial altar was considered that of Hestia, and so the first portion of each sacrifice to any other god was given to Hestia to receive her blessing for the offering.Unlike A prytaneion (Ancient Greek: Πρυτανεῖον) was seat of the prytaneis (), and so the seat of government in ancient Greece.The term is used to describe any of a range of ancient structures where officials met (normally relating to the government of a city) but the term is also used to refer to the building where the officials and winners of the Olympic games met at Olympia. of the women in ancient Greece, even Spartan women. Cronus, paranoid that one of his own children would overthrow his rule, swallowed them all. In ancient Greece the "hearth" did refer to the home fire, but it represented something more sacred. Her own sacrificial animal was a domestic pig. her sisters Demeter and Hera (Greek mythology) Hestia was a virgin When the people of one city founded another city, they took coals with them to light the new city’s hearth. decided that Hestia had the right to give up her seat to All of her brothers and sisters had powerful jobs in the ancient Hestia, in Greek religion, goddess of the hearth, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and one of the 12 Olympian deities. Hestia had a home on Mount Olympus.

Though Hestia did not have a public cult, she was worshipped at any temple, regardless of the god the temple was dedicated to. The hearth was essential for warmth, food preparation, and the completion of sacrificial offerings to deities. It gave

She was the goddess of the fireside and watched over the homes of men. History >> Ancient Greece >> Greek Mythology. She was also offered the first and last libations of wine at feasts. of 12, rulers of the gods. Hertia was the goddess When the gods Apollo and Poseidon became suitors for her hand she swore to remain a maiden forever, whereupon Zeus, the king of the gods, bestowed …