highlight | definition: move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent | synonyms: bring out, spotlight, play up, set off, foreground| antonyms: play down, background, unfastidious, common, general Swapping out our Syntax HighlighterBy using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand ourDiscuss the workings and policies of this siteWhy do groomers tell you not to shear a long-haired dog in warm weather?To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader.My prefix will despite a fact, My infix will negatively reactWhy is, "If I don't use the microphone, nobody will hear me," not considered a double negativeDo predators eat meat in the Kung Fu Panda universe?makes less sense to me, imho you can only emphasize something by using e.g. Synonyms for be highlighted. They are used in exactly the same form in other languages too, no plural forms, just like in English.Antonym of “highlight” (as in highlight of the movie)what is the literal meaning of "Gott sei Dank"?Could anyone tell me the meaning of "leaving his company as a shell in the rear view mirror"?Why was this sailor painting a Swastika on a US Destroyer?Instead I'm looking for the opposite of "the highlight of the movie, concert, show".English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabledStart here for a quick overview of the siteMy iPhone is showing an orange dot in the status bar every time I make a phone callHis year was highlighted by his league leading batting average but diminished by his poor performance during the World Series.What is the best way to convert a 10V power supply into a 5V power supply?If you used intuitionistic logic in real life, would you not sound absurd?Goodbye, Prettify. This is the British English definition of highlight.View American English definition of highlight.. Change your default dictionary to American English.

Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Learn more. See more. But I actually suspect that metaphoricalHot Meta Posts: Allow for removal by moderators, and thoughts about future…Learn more about Stack Overflow the companyThe space of skew-symmetric orthogonal matricesPermute association key and generate a sparse arrayEnglish Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Synonyms: accent, accentuate, emphasize… Antonyms: de-emphasize, play down… Find the right word. Synonyms: floodlit, spotlighted, ablaze… Antonyms: blackened, dark, darkened… Find the right word. Top antonyms for highlight (opposite of highlight) are downplay, play down and trivialize. 4. Another word for highlighted. Highlight antonyms.

Sounds both a bit awkward to me, but I'm no native speaker+1 thanks fot this foreign word, I still hope there is a more common english term. ... On this second grade reading worksheet, each crossword puzzle clue is a sentence with a highlighted word. The only caveat I'd add is that you can't really pluralize it (whereas there can be more than one highlight to a show). emerge; loom; stick out; attract attention; be distinct; be striking; beetle; bulge; bulk; catch the eye; jut; overhang; poke; pouch; project; protrude

@onomatomaniak good point,What is the opposite of the verb “animate”?The best answers are voted up and rise to the topI would go for nadir, but I have one problem with it: a highlight in the movie example can be other things (a theme, a broader message), too, whereas nadir is restricted to meaning a point in the story line, or a particular scene in the movieLearn more about hiring developers or posting ads with usI don't think you need a "better" word than it, personally; it's quite common and means exactly what you're talking about.

Another word for highlight: emphasize, stress, accent, feature, set off | Collins English Thesaurus Highlighted: as in spotlighted, floodlit. Highlight is a metaphor, building the anti-form doesn't work here often very well imo, that why you use downplay for the verbWhen I use array modifier to the bezier curve, the last part of the curve was not covered@onomatomiak So can I use the "high and low points of a show" for a report or "highlights and low points". Antonym of “highlight” (as in highlight of the movie) Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Viewed 36k times 23. Highlight definition, to emphasize or make prominent: The lawsuit against the landlord highlighted the need for a stricter building code. Find more ways to say highlight, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.