Candle Lighting The first night of Sukkot (Erev Sukkot) is a Yom Tov. Sukkot, a Hebrew word meaning "booths" or "huts," refers to the Jewish festival of giving thanks for the fall harvest. There are certain differences in the daily prayers that apply every day of Sukkot, including the "intermediate days" ( Chol Hamoed ), and some that apply only on the first two full-fledged festival days (or one, if in Israel ). The exact prayers you'll need to say will vary depending on what day it is — the first two special days and the following five intermediate days have their own prayers. He bravely rolled the stone off the mouth of the well of water.Not quite Sukkot, not quite its own holiday.He wrestled with an angel made of fire and water,Every Person’s Guide to Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret, and Simchat TorahRemember Aaron, the High Priest, who, on Yom Kippur, washed himself five times with water,Who causes the wind to blow and the rain to fall.Impress your friends and family with these little-known facts about the Jewish New Year.Connecting physical and spiritual needs at the end of Sukkot.Remember Jacob, who crossed the Jordan’s water.What these holidays that follow Sukkot are about.Remember Moses, who was drawn in a reed basket out of the Nile’s water.He passed Your test by planting good deeds by every source of water.In the desert Isaac dug and found wells of water.

The final blessing of the Haftarah mentions both Shabbat and the Festival (unlike the intermediate Shabbat of Pesach, where only the Shabbat is mentioned). According to rabbinic tradition, these flimsy sukkot represent the huts in which the Israelites dwelt during their 40 years of wandering in the desert after escaping from slavery in Egypt. I want to learn as much as possible about the laws of G-d while I’m here on earth. You came in here to deliver the oppressed Jews who were being forced to read Messianic writings. “I will not tolerate” insinuates a degree of control, which I neither have nor seek nor desire.

This time our creative process was different. VR Website I say that the tradition from Sinai doesn’t involve Jesus, and you say it does.If it really comes down to my word against yours, which one should Jews believe?Derek wrote “Oy”, and he referenced two Jewish publishing houses’ prayerbook offerings.In no place did you attempt to use scripture to back the claim that Yeshua had nothing to do with Sinai.

What I meant to say, and should have written, was “I will respond with protest to”. School syllabus-teaching the Tishrei fastivalsAs on ordinary Shabbat (including Yaaleh veyavo in the amidah).Main topics in the 'Tishrei Festivals' seriesThe Succot amidah, including the sacrifice for the day in question (in the Diaspora also for the day before), followed by a single circuit of the central platform with the arba'ah minim while saying the Hoshanot (unless these were said during Shacharit). If you want to believe it incorporated the Oral Law, fine. About MeReading Eikev through the lens of covid-19In recent weeks we've gathered again -- in slightly different configuration -- to build something new for this pandemic season: a set of prayer-poems for Sukkot and Simchat Torah, which we've titled The prayers / poems that we wrote arose out of that question and more. A Yom Tov is a holiday Sabbath which is different from a regular Sabbath in that food preparation for that day is allowed. Those thousands blended […] The Feast of Tabernacles. We believe in the same Torah as you! ... Sukkot Prayers with the four species - Duration: 4:35. Teaching aids and study material included in the seriesHow the teacher can take advantage of the information given on each of the main topicsAs on the other days of Chol Hamo'ed, except that extra Psalms are said in the early part of Shacharit (as on Shabbat and Festivals); there are seven circuits instead of one for the Hoshanot, in which the arba'ah minim are replaced at the end by the bunch of aravot (willows). Your refutation of my answer to his question undercut the premise of his question.If you want to believe that what Derek the gentile is “teaching” you is my family’s heritage from Sinai, that’s your problem/choice/lifestyle and I wish you only the best with it. The festival of Sukkot is one of the three great pilgrimage festivals (cha… This is your blog, and it should be about you, not me. Candles are lit in the Sukkah with two prayers: (1) the l’hadlikh ner shel yom tov and (2) the shehekhiyanu. I don’t do this because it makes me feel more justified in my faith, or because I want to be Jewish, but because I have an unquenchable love for G-d. You’ve said a mouthful! Union for Reform Judaism 9,850 views. Should we take your word for it? What you’re referring to is The Living Word, which was at the beginning of time and is the Word of G-d. Derek is referring to the same Tanakh that you are. Your gentile parents told you that they heard it from their Sunday school teachers, who heard it from their priests, who heard it from their theologians and philosophers and church doctors and councils that at some point voted and decided that the Jews were lying about their tradition from Sinai.Derek asked: How would you know if the tradition from Sinai involves Jesus? Comments Policy If not, fine.