It played an important role in the fabric of Greek mythology, as the site of the stories of Cadmus, Oedipus, Dionysus and others. It was unlike anything anywhere. The temple of Luxor in the city is actually not very good, especially if you went to Kom Ombo and Edfu already. He was clearly bored waiting and told me about the tomb and Tut more than any guide could ever do (they tend to follow their scripts and don't seem at all excited about doing it over and over again). And Ancient Thebes was the center of it all. Boy, was I in for a surprise when our tour guide announced that we would be tackling up to 4 millennia of history and both banks of the Nile in a single day!

By Connection The hypostyle hall here wasn't the graceful courtyard of gods it felt like in Luxor, but a maze or forest. The ceilings here are well-preserved too, including their colours.

On recommendation of my guide I went into tombs number 6, 8 and 2.

Auguste Mariette. Yet the necropolises themselves, along with the great temples on the far shore, make Thebes one of the truly great treasures of the ancient world—and the modern one as well.The temple was dedicated to Amun in his form as a fertility god and was used during the annual Opet Festival of royal renewal. We were in for many surprises that day, though.

Egyptian authorities are now rebuilding this monumental path. I promise you it will be much rewarding. George Edward Stanhope Molyneux Herbert, 5th earl of Carnarvon. 1. Just looking at the facade with its obelisk and massive pylon amazes of the grandeur of Ancient Egypt. On the east bank of the Nile, the Luxor Temple is great, but can´t be beaten by the Temple of Karnak connected to it by an avenue of sphinges, truly a wonder of the world with its huge columns and the impressive hieroglyphs. Actually my story has little to do with Luxor overall so I shall stop with the personal stuff here. As at other sites, tomb robbing was common and relatively few undisturbed tombs were found here. But what comes to mind at the mention of a third major Greek city, Thebes?WSJ Opinion: From Russia (to Biden) With LoveiOS 14: 14 Tips for Apple’s New iPhone Operating SystemAs Thebes stands central to the geography of Greece, mythological Thebes stands at the center of Greek mythology. But when in Egypt, you will almost always be offered a deal to take pictures without even having to ask.

To Read the Full Story The crowds, the heat, the ruins, everything. An ancient city of Upper Egypt on the Nile River in present-day central Egypt. The chambers might have once be filled with artifacts like the one of Tutankhamon fame.

Tutankhamun's tomb is much smaller and simpler than the others, but it is very well preserved, and because of its size, only a few people are allowed to enter at a time, which generally makes for a more intimate experience. After a brief photo stop by the Colossi of Memnon, we left the West Bank, having to the Ramesseum, Madinat Habu, and several other great monuments.

The hieroglyphics were stunning . Grouped by Era and Period Certainly they weren’t staying in Luxor. It is incredible how busy it can get here even during what seems like a non-holiday season. And where would Greek drama be without the cycle of Theban myths, tragic Oedipus and his descendants? Already the ancient Greeks came here to marvel at the temples that were built by the Egyptian pharaohs.

The Ramses that had this built was especially proud of his slaughter of enemies, as shown by carvings of bunches of hacked-off hands (with a scribe next to it counting the numbers).

One needs to think what they really want to see if they only plan one day. (Seti I currently costs a whopping 1,000 pounds but a Finish lady told me they are closed anyway plus a guide told me it is mainly interesting for hieroglyphics). Thebes (as the Greeks called it - it was Weset in ancient Egyptian) is the capital of Upper Egypt and was the country´s centre throughout the Middle and New Kingdoms. A project was designed to achieve an accurate sampling of the Ramesseum's ground plan for use in publication and conservation of the monument. Leave time for relaxation in the style only Luxor can provide—like a sunset felucca cruise on the Nile.Thebes was the city of Amun, whose devotees elevated him among the ranks of ancient deities.

Thebes, Modern Greek Thíva, dímos (municipality) and city, Central Greece (Modern Greek: Stereá Elláda) periféreia (region).

Its ruins are on par with the greatest Ancient Roman, Greek, Maya, Inca, or Khmer cities out there, while also being centuries or millennia older and every bit as advanced.