6. Write about two strangers who each grab one end of extremely rare record at the same time in a secondhand vinyl shop.2. Of course, the list of quirks is the easy part, because they’re just character ideas, and ideas are a dime a dozen. The most common advice out there for being a writer is, "if you want to write, write." https://thefictionstoryroom.com/story-ideas-15-character-secrets The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT PointsFree Complete Official SAT Practice TestsIt's OK to fix things that will make it difficult to read what you've written (e.g., a weird autocorrect that changes the meaning of a sentence), but You subconscious is working on your story, so when you sit down, it is so much easier to continue writing. Or text it to a friend? (If you find nothing, write about why you empty your pockets so frequently. This was exactly what I needed thanks so much 6. Open a book in your office, turn to a random page, blindly point to a word, and use it as the very first word of your story.9. It was like you have to find something and it takes ages9. Write from the perspective of someone with a chronic but not fatal illness (diabetes, OCD, Lyme disease, etc). Sometimes it takes time and hard thinking to get out of the rut once you become stuck. Find a small object in your junk drawer (stapler remover, chewed-up pen cap, paperweight, etc) and write about how it could be used as a weapon to kill.7. Write a post-apocalyptic story and explain only your main character’s coping mechanism: creating a fantasy world in his/her head and living there.8. I would be so grateful.

Write about a group of truckers who all frequent the same truck stops and form a book club for when they see each other again.4.

Thank you!I am 12 years old and I am confused on where my life is going… either a vet actor, or a book writer. Write about someone who mistakenly picks the lock to the wrong apartment at two in the morning when trying to get into a friend’s apartment.3. If an outline seems too rigid and limiting for your creativity, consider creating a “mini story” about your character. Your ideas are really quite wonderful.5. Write about a seasoned model who shows up to her agency one day with inexplicable cuts all over her legs.5.

Or maybe you have trouble writing poetry, but can easily text yourself or a friend a poem. Write from the perspective of a family pet whose fate is decided when its owners split up.i dont think this means they shouldnt be a writer, writers block can be really difficult to get over and maybe these ideas didnt help them get over it, i know they didnt help me yet ive been writing for nearly 5 years constantly. Create nervous ticks or habits. Sometimes, however, it takes a little more than that. EVEN THOUGH I AM JUST 13 YEARS OLD, I AM CONSTANTLY SEARCHING FOR NEW IDEAS TO WRITE. https://www.well-storied.com/blog/write-stronger-characters How to Get Into Harvard and the Ivy LeagueACT Writing: 15 Tips to Raise Your Essay Scorewhether or not you should major in creative writingSAT® is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardThe point of using a writing prompt is not to write something that best exemplifies the prompt, but something that sparks your own creativity. I have been a firefighter, preschool teacher, sales person, and am currently a writer and a music teacher.These are some helpful ideas but I don’t agree with a few but that doesn’t matter because some of them helped me. Write about a group of whalers who accidentally discover mermaids the size of blue whales.Someone that has used one of these prompts should be super nice and let me read what they came up with. Write about a character who can taste people’s emotions through the food they prepare.These have really have been a good use for me. Editing comes later, once you've finished writing and have some space from it to come back to what you wrote.How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect ScorerIf it's a possibility for you, see if you write differently in different media. Description that relies solely on physical attributes too often turns into what Janet … https://www.writerswrite.co.za/a-fabulous-resource-for-writers-350- Write about a strictly Shakespearian actor who loses all of his/her money and has to take modern comedic roles to stay afloat.6. These ideas are helpful. Research an author you enjoy, then combine his/her life with the life of a character from one of his/her books to create a new character.8.