Rabbi Mattityahu Glazerson, an expert in Torah codeshuman consumption of bats which are a delicacy in several parts of the world, often cooked in soup while still alivePOLL: 12% of US Millenials Never Heard of the Holocaust; 15% Say It Is OK to Be Neo-Nazi noted that in the Torah portion of Beshalach (Exodus 13:17–17:16) read by Jews around the world last Shabbat, there is a clear reference to the coronavirus. PM Netanyahu Wishes Everyone a Joyous Shana TovaIn modern Hebrew, Sin (סין: pronounced ‘seen’) is China. This will be a prelude to even greater troubles, endless misfortunes, for China. Croatoan is an ailment specifically described as a "blood-borne virus" that is demonic in origin, and causes a murderous rage in the people it infects. This tenth page on the King James Bible Code discusses research I did on an English Bible code in the King James version Bible, on Ebola and Marburg virus diseases, a deadly virus disease discussed on this page. "The leaves of the fig tree are coming on, Summer is very near. It’s unclear how Patient Zero was infected in that episode, but likely through a demon.

Widely respected “Jewish Mystic” and Talmudic scholar, Rabbi Yosef Pinto claims the onset of the deadly virus was long ago predicted in the Book of Ezekiel in the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah. It proves effective in causing the townspeople to kill each other, and importantly proves th… The Complete Bible was published in 1563. These troubles will continue until the other nations stop bothering Israel and until the very last Jew comes to Israel.”noted that in Gematria (Hebrew numerology), corona (קורונה) equals 367. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express.Coronavirus symptoms: New easy-to-spot sign Coronavirus: Militant Christians believe the Bible foretold the end of the world Coronavirus: Many people claim online coronavirus is a biblical sign of the Apocalypse Coronavirus LIVE tracker: Live map allows you to TRACK spread of virusUK scientists discover 'single biggest coronavirus risk factor'WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned against trolls and the spread of misinformation.The Trumpet Daily Radio show joined the chorale of doomsday preachers with host Stephen Flurry citing passages from scripture.Twitter user Marie Rose said: “Everything that was prophesied in the Bible that will take place when the end will come has been witnessed on Earth and it’s very evident Nation will rise against diseases like Ebola and Coronavirus, earthquakes etc. If it fails, a global pandemic will strike the world. The Lord will not allow it #antichrist coming.

Croatoan is actually a creature that lives in the Void. The new Tower of Babel. The first four of those Seals are called the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.David Attenborough exposed China's pangolin black marketHe quoted Ezekiel 38:22, which reads: “I will plead against him with pestilence and the blood.”Coronavirus symptoms: Key sign in a person's breathing of COVID-19However, many conspiracy theorists have taken to social media to claim the “last days” of mankind are fast approaching.“Why this is just a drop in the bucket. Croatoan was thought to be a long-lost tribe that disappeared through the thinnies in a green mist. In 1998, archaeologists from … It is possible that Croatoan was the one to start the virus. It is towards this end, the redemption of all humanity through returning to the Noahide covenant with the God of the Bible, that we established the Seventy Nations Organization. Even for those who don't subscribe to the Bible prediction theory, there … Croatoan is a mysterious word that Dave Teagues has seen in his visions. 26 Bible Verses about Viruses.

CORONAVIRUS has arrived as a sign of the Christian Apocalypse, religious conspiracy theorists have outrageously claimed, citing biblical prophecies of plague and the end of the world.

Using a method of gematria that adds one to the sum (referred to as adding the kollel), the term for the wilderness of Sin (מדבר סין) equals 367. On January 21, 309 cases were reported. We are praying for your redemption and acknowledge that the affliction has put a great shadow on your people and that shadow is now passing out into the world. This organization is open to all nations. “the coronavirus”). See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, As its name implies, the organization is intended to bring together all nations and as such, your participation as a unique and ancient nation is necessary to us. There were 2,478 new confirmed cases, bringing the total to 42,638. order back issues and use the historic Daily Express Though the death rate is rather low, 3% of those infected, the spread of the virus is alarming. El-Al Purchase Bringing About “Wings of Eagles” Prophecy, Rabbi Glazerson explains how the words corona (קורונה), virus (וירוסת), Chinese (סיני), and eating from a living creature (אבר מן החי ever min hachai), are all intertwined in that chapter. However Sam Winchester is shown to be immune to its effect. Coronavirus is only tip of the iceberg - Claim of 10 deadly plaguesCoronavirus test: New test for quick resultsCoronavirus symptoms: Signs of COVID-19 to look out for during the pandemic One person on Twitter said: "Bible prophecy being fulfilled with #coronavirus and globalists. Scientists point to the It is through these basic laws that your nation and all of humanity can be saved from this horrible disease; through this covenant that creates moral and healthy boundaries as described in the Bible.passengers sprayed with disinfectant by Hazmat suits as they arrive in Indonesia (courtesy: screenshot)Nir Ben Artzi, an Israeli mystic known for his accurate predictionsAnother hint was revealed in the commentary on Exodus by  Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, the medieval commentator known by the acronym Rashi.

Obviously, the epidemic would refer to the coronavirus in this case, and that's enough to have many concerned.In February, it was reported that a swarm of around Did The Bible Predict Coronavirus? "Dr Meyer travels across the United States to discuss scripture and its meaning.The Book of Revelation contains the final chapters of the Bible and outlines what will happen in the end days.Another person said: "Coronavirus Panic compared to The Book of Revelation Chapters 6-19., this should be a wake up call for informed Christians.Coronavirus UK: How many cases are in your area? newspaper archive. The prayers would also call upon God to have mercy on the people of China. One legend uncovered by John Winchester states that the virus was the source of the disappearance of the Roanoke Colonyin 1587.