Ground temperature must be above 50°F and below 85°F for foliar feeding be effective. What in the world does that mean? For all daylilies: apply mulch (optional) and then water in. Foliar feed your plants. Here are a few suggestions. Answer: Daylilies provide a maximum of color to the landscape with a minimum amount of effort. Her work appears on various websites. Posted by Neil Sperry But I learned some lessons that still fit here in Texas.Vivid pink geraniums can highlight a drab corner in springtime.Before I give you those observations, though, let me admit that I transferred from A&M to Ohio State as a junior, and geraniums were everywhere on the OSU campus and in the Buckeye State. The problem with growing geraniums in Texas is that summers aren’t cool here. Daylilies aren't fussy about soil, though, so you can plant them in multiple beds with varying soil types, helping create a harmonious element in your garden. And that plays back to my observations from Texas. Photo: Geranium colors are bright and cheerful.Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening Texans’ favorite go-to gardening reference • Hardback, high-quality paper • Printed in Texas by Texans (not in China) • 344 pages and 840 of Neil’s …When I was a kid growing up in College Station I got a boxful of geranium cuttings from some place up North. The label, or product description online, includes the color, anticipated height and cold hardiness zone for the particular daylily. Other daylilies thrive in hot, sunny locations that receive six or more hours of sun each day. Many daylilies bloom in midsummer when other perennials are feeling the stress of our hot Texas summers. There are many colors from which to choose but two of my favorites are the red Chicago Apache and the yellow Mary Todd. Daylilies planted near ornamental grass makes for great contrast in texture and color. (If you water them.) It’s officially summer, and the Easter lilies have long faded; those symbols of resurrection have gone to rest until next spring, when they will return and bloom again. An avid traveler, swimmer and golf enthusiast, Williams has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Mills College and a Master of Business Administration from St. Mary's College of California.With tens of thousands of plants in the daylily family, knowing the temperature tolerance of the plant ensures it's a good fit for your garden. Which means that we want to enjoy them in the spring. Do not fertilize in the heat of Summer to avoid rot. Daylilies are recommended for U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10. Some of them actually survived their week on the road and went on to do fairly well in my gardens that springtime. But this is not true of all daylilies -- it's critical to purchase from a local supplier or buy your daylilies based on local observation to ensure you aren't buying an attractive plant that won't thrive in your climate.University of Minnesota Extension: Growing DayliliesFine Gardening: Genus Hemerocallis (Daylily)© Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc.Daylilies (Hemerocallis spp.) When choosing a daylily, focus primarily on the sun pattern the location provides. These plants are hardy in many climates, but prefer warm, sunny locations. How to Plant Perennials to Bloom All Summer A daylily's ability to tolerate a range of temperatures is especially beneficial in areas that experience wide fluctuations, transitioning from cool, foggy mornings to hot, sunny afternoons that end in cool, foggy evenings. It means that we have a living nursery, where the plants grow in our good ol' east Texas dirt, out in the elements, thoroughly accustomed to heat, drought, ice and bugs. The other traditional asiatic lilies have also spent their blooms. Other daylilies thrive in hot, sunny locations that receive six or more hours of sun each day. Daylilies are easy to grow. Check the label for details about the daylily. All of our daylilies are "free-range stock." aren't actually part of the lily family -- their botanical name actually means beauty of the day, which is appropriate for this easy-to-grow perennial. Water deeply, and then mulch with 2 to 3 inches of ground bark or pine straw. Some daylilies tolerate temperatures as cold as minus 3 degrees Fahrenheit. All of these foliage habits include the full range of temperature-tolerant daylilies, from those that shrug off extreme cold to those that are tender and susceptible to damage when exposed to frost.Carolyn Williams began writing and editing professionally over 20 years ago.