And as always, if you have questions about this lesson, give us a call at Fox Hollow, or talk to your local PGA Professional.Again, if those two things aren’t correct, make them correct, and then try to get back to that position.

In addition to the right arm, the entire right side of the body must rotate around to the left on the downswing and follow-through. With most golfers you can usually tell whether they have hit a bad shot or not just by watching their follow through. One by one, work on each of the three points on the driving range until you can bring them all together in a cohesive motion.

Instead, you should be thinking only about being as athletic as possible. Since this drill isn't too technical, it is a good one to use prior to a round.

If he concentrated on a two-word phrase, his body would stay relaxed, and he'd make a great swing. This move made his swing more compact and repeatable.His swing had many keys that made it so fundamentally sound, and to break it down we had Ben Hogan is credited with having one of the greatest swings of all time.

To ingrain a power ful right-side rotation, try to keep the clubhead moving directly down the target line as far as possible after impact.

You can see here Once you make that step, I want you to think

Many amateurs whip the clubhead too far inside the target line with excessive hand action and little body turn, or they pick the club straight up like they're about to chop wood.

While warming up for your round, make a few practice swings using just your right hand to remind yourself of how you want to use your right side during the swing. Finish the swing. Flexibility will determine how far you can turn.Allow your right arm to "extend" well past your body as you release the club through impact to maintain the swing width you've created. Please upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 or use a In addition to the right arm, the entire right side of the body must rotate around to the left on the downswing and follow-through.

A good mantra for this is to think I'm often asked where the club should be at the top of the swing. Even after putting in plenty of practice time on the range, you might find that you are still having a little trouble with using your right side effectively.

A poor golf swing follow through or finish invariably will result in a poor golf shot. Everything that leads up to this point is setting the stage for an aggressive move of your right side through impact. A golf swing follow through like a touring pro.

The person recording the video should stand behind you, on an extension of the target line so they are recording directly over the ball and on to the target. With that in mind, great balance is the first piece of the puzzle that needs to fall into place. It is important that you don't give up on this part of the swing just because you have some trouble at first. Mechanical thoughts slow down your movements, and your right side will likely fail to fire in time when your head is clouded.

A frame-by-frame breakdown of Phil Mickelson’s strange fairway wood flop shot On the follow through after impact Hogan kept his arms in close to his body until the last possible moment. Repeat that  in one continuous motion, back and through, until it feels natural.

Past it?

All of your other swing mechanics will be wasted if you don't let your right side fire, so be sure to hold nothing back once the On-course mics capture the most relatable Phil Mickelson moment ever And today’s lesson is one of the most used and most successful drills because it works.

If you are able to arrive at the top of your backswing with good balance, firing your right side during the downswing should be no problem at all. Many amateur golfers start the downswing off balance, and they are never able to recover. A lot goes into a good golf swing.

Firing your right side through the ball is the final step in the process of hitting a golf shot that is both powerful and accurate.

At address, Hogan setup with his trail leg perpendicular to theBen Hogan’s first (and most comprehensive) swing keySwing Study: Breaking down Ben Hogan’s classic and powerful swingHogan believed hitting the ball hard allowed for a and GOLF Magazine are published by EB GOLF MEDIA LLC, a division of 8AM GOLFOne of the trademarks of Hogan’s swing was the laid-off move he performed on the downswing. The Golf Swing Weekly Fix Across The Line and Follow Through

Indeed, a good follow through and finish position will require a proper journey on the way there. Following are three keys to keeping your balance throughout the golf swing. It’s very difficult to hit a good golf shot without finishing the golf swing correctly. Can you pick up your ball in the rough to identify it? Then, step forward to a golf ball and hit it, still not swinging the club past parallel on the backswing or the follow-through.2. Pick the one that corresponds with the area of the swing you're working on, and use it when you practice and play.Back when Nick Faldo was the No.

Golf swings vary wildly from player to player, but some fundamentals apply across the board.Many amateurs, on the other hand, hit the ball with a jabbing action, the clubhead popping up abruptly after contact. It is necessary for most players to spend plenty of time on the practice range working on their swing fundamentals before they will be able to chase the club down the target line properly. It was my job to help him find a feel from week to week that struck a chord. And many older players would be well advised to raise the left heel slightly on the backswing, and then plant it as they start down--the "step" feel. This is a hurdle that many golfers never manage to clear.Golf telecasts often feature super-slow-motion frames of the golf club impacting the ball. Discussion In this video, PGA Professional Joseph Hallett explains a By the time you are on the course, it is too late to fix your swing mechanics anyway – so you might as well be as athletic as you can in an attempt to hit a quality shot.