... - Had started his po…Led the early Texan settlers ... Capital of Texas is named for himA Missouri slave sued for his freedom, claiming that his four… Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe about the horrors of slavery and it furthered the north's support of abolition and increased conflict. Who travelled to these territories?- Where Mexico argued the border was (Texas argued the border @ the Rio grande River)- Where Americans hoped to draw the northern boundary of their part of OregonWhy did Abraham Lincoln win the 1860 election and what effect did his election have on the sectional crisis?- Democrats nominee for the 1856 election (who was not associated with Bleeding Kansas) Was it racist?- Emerged in 1848 campaign when antislavery people found Taylor and Cass to be unsatisfying- Polk requested that Congress give $2 million for purchasing peace with Mexico- Major route west (2,000 miles) that went across Great Plains through South Pass of Rocky Mountains- Southern railroad builder persuade Mexican government to accept $10 million for a strip of land (which is now parts of Arizona and New Mexico)Why was the Compromise of 1850 so difficult to pass? Described his conviction taht Ame…1754-1763... War between French and British in American colonies…one of the most controversial and notorious Supreme Court deci…English Queen during golden age. he was captured and killed by southerners John Brown an abolitionist who attempted to lead a slave revolt by capturing armories in southern territory and giving weapons to slaves, was hung in harpers ferry after capturing an armory

Start studying APUSH Chapter 13: The Impending Crisis. Dred Scott Decision. Was this an act of aggression?Why was "manifest destiny" such a powerful idea? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. he said the non-slave holding whites were the ones who suffered the most from slavery.

Started w/ boomi…The spread of ____________ from present-day Mexico northward i…1491 is one year prior to the arrival of Columbus and European…21.3: Civil Rights for Native Americans, Women &…The Kennedy, Johnson & Nixon Administrations (1961-1974) | APUSH Period 8The Progressive Era | APUSH Period 7 (1890-1920)Mexican dictator led his army against the Texans1801-1809 Democratic-Republican... Marbury v. Madison; Louisiana…Log Cabin Campaign... Van Buren v Harrisona mix of foraging and hunting. Compromise of 1850. Reestablished Protestantism a…1454-1512... *Italian member of a Portuguese expedition... *Explored…An agreement between Portugal and Spain which declared that ne…1809-1817 Democratic-Republican... War of 1812; First Protective…written by Henry Clay and Stephen A. Douglass (1) California a…European government policies of the 16th-18th centuries design…Missouri Immigrant, he established the first legal settlement…David Wilmot was an antislavery Democrat.
Start studying the impending Crisis-APUSH-Chapter 13. (Roanoke, it faile…- Cut off ten years for immigrants... - Average lifespan was 20 y…largely unknown outside of Illinois but quickly emerged as one…1797-1801 Federalist... XYZ Affair; Alien and Sedition Acts1493... *Commitment between Spain and Portugal... *Created a Papal L…Texans fought against Mexico for their independence and won in…Became independent in 1836, it was the independent nation that…20.1: Cold War Political Leaders (1961-1974) | A…1765 direct tax on a stamp that must be put on paper, office d…Nicholas Trist negotiated with Mexican government. ... -Lincoln had started…- Natives died too quickly upon white man contact... - Africans w…the miners who went to northern California following the disco…He kept the small American army together and defeated Mexicans…16th President of the United States saved the Union during the…was one the first representatives for the Republican party; wa…a movement of many people to a region in which gold has been d…A settlement established by the Dutch near the mouth of Hudson…13.2: Protection for Workers, Consumers & the En…1400s and 1500s... *Spain tightly controlled empire in the New Wo…originally presented to Senate by Henry Clay; launched a debat…21.1: The New Left (1960s-1970s) | APUSH Period 8Line drawn by British Parliament, colonists not allowed to set…20.3: Cold War Domestic Policy Under JFK, LBJ, a…The 16th President of the United States.