Napolitano: Italian name used to refer to someone who is from Napoli (Naples)”. Ajello is an occupational surname that comes from the Latin word ‘ager’ or ‘field’ and was mostly given to farmers.This means ‘captain’ in Italian. The map above shows which surnames (last names) are most popular in each Italian region. Derived from the Italian word for brown, Bruno came under the category of surnames derived from nicknames and was given to people with brown hair.

A name in the Italian language consists of a given name (Italian: nome), and a surname (Italian: cognome); in most contexts, the given name is written before the surname. Italian surnames ending in -o often come from southern Italy, whereas in northern Italy they can often be found ending with a -i. Costa is Italian for rib, which means a ‘slope’ or ‘coast’. Pages in category "Italian-language surnames" The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 2,939 total. Another version of the name is Conti.This is another popular habitational surname, meaning ‘of the sea’. Look no further.

CALOGERA f Italian Feminine form of CALOGERO.

Celebs like Beto Bianchi, Daniela Bianchi, and Emilio Bianchi have added to the name’s popularity.You love eating pasta, pizzas, and olive oil.

It belongs to the class of topographical surnames given to people living near a spring.A typical Italian surname, which means ‘coal’ or ‘charcoal’. Italian last names are some of the most interesting — and the most historic — in the world. ITALIAN SURNAMES DATABASE . Why not name him Pira or Piras?

(In official documents, the Western surname may be written before the given name or names.. Italian names, with their fixed nome + cognome structure, have little to do with the ancient Roman naming conventions, … Other endings are characteristic of certain regions:A few names end with an accented vowel, for instance Male given names are never preceded by an article except in popular northern regional usage. This occupational surname was given to secret couriers or spies. Choose this prominent surname, which means ‘apple’, as a nickname for your baby girl.We are sure your baby boy is sweeter than a pear.

Other variations include Rindaldo, Renaldi, Rainaldo, Renaldi, Rinallo, and Ranalli.The Roman word Valens is the root word for this surname, which means ‘healthy and vigorous’.

Remember to visit a dermatologist once you've completed the quiz, and talk to them about your answers. These Italian last names are perfect for any situation — and they’ll make you look pretty worldly, too.Learn more about Thought Catalog and our writers on our I Don’t Have To Get Over You To Let You GoHave you experienced tender, swollen bumps, either on or under your skin, that may produce foul-smelling liquid and scarring?Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with HS or experienced HS symptoms?110+ Best Dr. Seuss Quotes to Rhyme and Remember ForeverYour answers indicate you’ve experienced symptoms commonly associated with HS. Then give this as a nickname for her because Vinci comes from Vincere, which means ‘to conquer’. Parisi is a topographical surname that means ‘from Paris’. Although, even these surnames only account for around 1% of all Italian surnames due to the huge diversity that exists. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for professional health services.

The forms -uzzo/-uzza, as in Santuzza from Santa, are typical of CADERINA f Sardinian Sardinian form of KATHERINE. 60+ Walt Disney Quotes to Inspire You to Follow Your Dreams Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. LAST NAME: is starts with ends with contains Please … DeMarchi, Marcantoni, Marcantonio, Marcato, Marchel, Marchelli, Marcone, Marconi, Marcovic, Marcovich, Marcoz, Marcozzi, and Marcucci are some of the variations of the name.One of the standard occupational surnames, Colombo is derived from the Latin name columbe, which means ‘dove’. Therefore, the name means ‘strong as a bear’.Gallo originates from the word Gallus, which means ‘rooster’. This name has been made famous by a lot of celebs like Argentine actress and singer Mariana Esposito, American actress Jennifer Esposito and fictional character on the hit criminal TV show Castle season 3 Javier Esposito.Gentile is a popular Italian surname that comes from the word Gentilis, which means ‘of the same stock’.This trendy last name comes from Sigi, meaning ‘victory’.The musical surname is derived from the Latin word Fons, which means ‘spring’.

You should speak with a dermatologist about your answers to this quiz to get a proper diagnosis.Please note: This quiz is not meant to diagnose patients with HS.

Then you may name her Ricci. There are other popular variations of this surname: Ferrero, Ferrai, Ferrari, Ferraro, Ferrario, Ferrerio, Ferrarini and many more.This is an occupational surname given to shepherds as Verga is Italian for ‘stick,’ ‘cane,’ or ‘shepherd crook’. This is an Italian regional surname typical of Tuscany. You can also go for variations like Fiorelli, Fiorone, Fiorani, and Floris.An occupational surname, Fabbri comes from the word Faber or ‘craftsman’ or ‘smith’. A famous bearer was the Italian president Giovanni Gronchi (1887-1978).

You fantasize about going to Rome, riding gondolas, and eating in bistros. This is a biblical surname, as in it is based on the name of a character from the Bible. This surname sounds exotic and hip.Lemon Water During Pregnancy: Safety, Healthy Benefits And RecipesBianco is a typical Italian surname which means ‘white’.