Many Janna support I have seen lacks understanding of lane control, nor fully utilize the Janna's potential for aggressive play. Ofc, rito kept nerfing her, and I couldn't play her in the jg anymore, not to mention I was an ADC main and always will be. He also has poke damage. Language. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!4th and 5th item completes the set! You should always ban her.Watch out for him, because his early damage is extremely high, taking armor instead of hp is advised.Press the attack damage can be too much for you. This will be your time to surprise every fed enemy and collect … You can also dodge his q with yours very easily.Skill matchup, smite is advised in this case, because you can just 1 shot the small turrets and 1 smite and like 2 auto his ulted one. So given the high risk that involved the Kindred jg and need for items to actually deal dmg, before all the stacks kicked in, I realized Kindred was better suited for ADC. If so please give them a vote or leave a comment.Highly recommend for that amazing 6 sec invulnerability.

Also, their ultimates synergies really well, since Janna ult can keep the enemy away from the ult zone just before Kindred ult ends, and then heals immensely.MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Kindred is a wonderful ADC, with a lot of growth potential the more you practice with her. I mean, they made the auto-attacked based champion for jg, but like reworked Graves was having more of hayday there, like wtf? (Hexdrinker might be an option against him)You must be logged in or register before you canPretty easy lane, even tough your early is weak, shes early is much weaker, so if you don't feed her there will be no problem.His taunt is very good. Kindred runes in Patch 10.18 Primary Runes. The passive armor is very nice, and he can protect you when things go wrong.

Secondary Runes

Froze the wave under your turret and zone him.Instead of domination, go with sorcery: Nullifying orb, and gathering storm, and he won't be able to kill you.

he also has a lot of damage.Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote.Want to support MOBAFire with an ad-free experience? Ask your jungle for some early ganks.Her shield is nice, and she can send everyone out of your ult except your team.Massive Nuts' Kindred ADC complete guide for Season 10O boi, I haave been playing Mordekaiser recently, and he's pretty cancer. You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month!Very easy.

Then the research had to get shutdown quickly, cuz of mini-rework. But once you get past the lane phase smoothly, you will outrange and out-survive her.Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continueGood Janna can be a great pair to Kindred, the question, more so, is is your Janna support actually proficient. She has slows, sustain, burst and sustained DPS, and most importantly she is the most "flavorful" champion I have ever played. He is very annoying, you almost won't be able to e him, because he often stays far from the minionwave. Especially as an adc, he is able to one sho you with dark harvest, so be careful. You should abuse your range as frequently as possible.

She works well against tanks, assassins, heavy CC, basically any comp. Nullifying orb is optional.Very weak early. Play Maker Build By Yed (OTP 2.7 Million Mastery)Just don't get hit by Q s. If she ults you ult too.Annoying. Why ADC for Kindred?You may also Sign In using your Social Media.Her feathers are so much problem, since when you don't have range, a wrong step could immediately result in xayah e stun and death.

Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us in your ad blocker!Did this guide help you? Which can be an easy kill for the enemy.Every Champion with a hook is a big threat for you.Her range, can be a little bit annoying, try to stack your passive so you get around the same range.

You can support us ad-free for less than $1 a month!I started playing Kindred since her release, and loved playing her in the jungle. You should just abuse that.