Inside the museum the visitor moves circularly or using the elevator to the top floor and then descending the stairs.The organization of the facade is based on a strict rule that could be defined by their regularity, with a clear and steady pace, both horizontally and vertically. Also accommodates the night light installation of the museum.The administration, cafeteria, library and museum shop were located in a separate structure built in front of the museum. The camera creates atmospheric conditions within the gallery spaces that have a conditional relationship with the exterior, and vice versa. Previous: Seattle – Light Next: Swarm Reading Nov. 4th: Poli and Kennedy_Particle Swarm Optimization. This has been achieved by inserting vents in exterior walls to absorb the tension on the ground.The climate control system of the building can be neither seen nor heard, as it has been designed as a structural unit cooling or heating. The building hosts 3000 square me- ters of exhibition space, an auditorium, a book shop, and a restaurant. From the outside, the building looks like a lamp. This extremely simple façade is interesting for its transparency which allows visible from outside the concrete structure. All other work posed a densely built on the land available.The lobby offers a good view of the structural design of the Kunsthaus, was raised as a skeleton construction, ie no outer wall, the inner structural elements support the building. 4. Some parts of this article have been translated using Google’s translation engine. The third floor, with the best daylight conditions, has a height of 4.70m, the second and the first 4.20m. When we talk about sport, we talk about power. Each lamp can be controlled individually or in groups, and can be continuously adjusted with a professional management system Luxmate light.Zumthor has transformed the technical and rational solutions in sensual and poetic situations. The exterior walls of the ground floor and the first underground level are etched glass from floor to ceiling.Due to daylight conditions, the first underground level accommodates spaces accessible to the public, such as a conference room and educational center of the museum, in addition to storage and maintenance rooms and sanitary facilities.The pendulum lamps hang in pairs at an angle of 90° to each other, and are equipped with 58-watt fluorescent lamps and diffusion attachments. The facade made of glass tiles acts as a skin to spread the light of day that passes first through the rows of windows and then through the light ceilings in the hallways. When light enters through the chamber, the polished concrete seems to dematerialize and diluted, allowing the closed galleries are flooded clarity.The Kunsthaus Bregenz has two main principles to their permanent collection: archives of art and architecture, a collection of contemporary art, which complements the changing exhibition spaces. Plastic pipes within the construct of the slotted wall, from a depth of 27 meters carry water to the piping on the ceilings and walls allowing a good air, without resorting to conventional devices.The main materials used in the construction of these buildings are steel, glass and concrete. This is a steel structure supporting both external glass panels and interiors. Although the light has been refracted three times, glass facade, insulating windows and roofs illuminated, illuminates the halls differently depending on the time of day or year. Translucent glass and facades are illuminated externally by sunlight and inside by artificial light, becoming a dynamic part of the building as it reacts differently according to the light, time of day, the weather and the surrounding context. The De Rotterdam complex, located in the Dutch city of the same name, was devised as a vertical city and is composed of three towers that house apartments, offices, shops, restaurants, and a … This special method of construction makes the free surface of the facade has a glass as complete as possible.These glass plates are supported on a metal support also allows them, in some cases, some open for ventilation.Together with the Spa, Art Museum Bregenz put Peter Zumthor at the forefront of architectural minimalism, as well as the dominant creative force in the discipline of architecture.The three concrete walls enclose the gallery spaces and the outer section of the circulation spaces on the perimeter of the building, creating a building of seclusion and openness all in one. The minimalist structure stands as a light box that absorbs, reflects and filters light across the façade and throughout the building. With a variety that spans large solo exhibitions of international and Norwegian artists to curated group exhibitions and thematic productions, Bergen Kunsthall wishes to reflect the latest trends in the art scene. The cafe tables and chairs placed outdoors during the warmer seasons and often exhibits include outdoor events.About the suspended ceiling lit lamps were placed pendulum specially designed to place controlled by an external light sensor located on the roof of the museum, supplementing daylight. The ramps give the building a sense that floors have dropped down and moved up to meet each other 1. The exhibition building and the administration building framing an open square, which is closed to the south by the back wall of the exhibition hall, opens yet another side to the city. Don't worry they are gluten-free-vegan ;) You can find out more or switch them off if you prefer. The museum has 3,440 m2 of usable space, 26.57 x 26.57 x 30 m, the smallest building 540 m2, 8.35 x 21.57 x 11m.Initially planned to direct daylight to enter the building through obliquely placed slats on the facade, but the tests made in different models this solution was not satisfactory.