This leads to a furious argument, which is soon ended when their teacher sneaks up behind them and whips them for ignoring their schoolwork. Tom never tells Becky of this incident, for fear that we would cause her even more worries. The next morning, a ferryboat passes Jackson Island, carrying Pap, Judge Thatcher and his daughter Bessie (known as Becky Thatcher in Tom Sawyer), Tom Sawyer, Tom’s aunt Polly, some of Huck’s young friends, and “plenty more” on board, all discussing Huck’s apparent murder. But news of the missing children breaks out, and for the moment, the entire town concentrates on praying and searching for Tom and Becky. Eventually, Tom's persistence pays off when he discovers a tiny hole that the children manage to crawl through and escape peril.With the safe return of Becky and Tom, the town of St. Petersburg rejoices. Winding down one passageway, Tom sees a man and shouts to him; to his surprise, the figure belongs to Injun Joe! The first example of Tom’s maturity is when he visits her aunt during his funeral. They will always choose each other as partners, and they will walk to and from school together every day—“when there ain’t anybody looking.” Eventually Becky consents. Tom devises yet another distraction to avoid what his adult supervisor would have him do. Not affiliated with Harvard College.The word of Widow Douglas's near attack is circulated around town. After recovering the treasure from the cave, the two boys return to town, only to be ushered into the Widow Douglas's parlor. Order our The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Study Guide After a short time, Tom and "bosom friend" Joe Harper begin to fight over who is allowed to play with the tick, disrupting the classroom with a fistfight and attracting the attention of the schoolmaster. Obsessed with obtaining the treasure, Tom and Huck make plans to follow Injun Joe and find out where the treasure is buried.After school is let out for the summer, Muff Potter's trial begins. When Becky moves to town, Tom decides he loves her instead of Amy. The small town and surrounding area is Tom’s playground for all the adventures he...eText He insists that being engaged is fun. The teacher now places Tom next to Joe Harper. She begins to cry, and she pushes him away when he tries to comfort her. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain BACKGROUND. Tom lives with his Aunt Polly, half-brother Sid, and cousin Mary in the quaint town of St. Petersburg, just off the shore of the Mississippi River. He...The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism) When the trial begins, the defense council calls Introduction to The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer E-Text contains the full text of The Adventures of Tom SawyerHow did Tom get revenge on Sid for tattling on him about the black thread?

everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain Summary - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain is regarded as one of the most popular American fictions in the 19th century. Adventure is certainly one of the main themes, and Tom and Huck and their friends enjoy more...What is the main conflict of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"? To confirm their engagement, Becky says she loves Tom. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Summary". He sets it on his desk and begins to play with it by prodding it with a pin to make it change directions.

Afterwards, Tom explains more about faithfulness, accidentally spilling his former engagement to I think the novel reflected racism and stereotypes of the era. Tom fails to recognize his own selfish behavior, and can't understand what he sees as Becky's irrational response. The town of St. Petersburg has already convicted the innocent man in their minds. When Becky returns, Tom is in bliss and the two of them sit in the schoolroom and talk of important things like rats and circuses. eText “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. When he is gone, Becky begins to feel sorry, and she cries again—this time because she wants Tom back. Tom and Becky are lost in the cave, fearing for their survival. Tom realizes "Number Two" must be in MacDougal's Cave, where he and Huck find the treasure. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer": Twain's Extensive Use of SarcasmTom avoids a whipping from Aunt Polly for eating out of the jam closet. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." Read a translation of Chapter 7 → Summary: Chapter 8.

Deep within the cave, Tom and Becky have lost all sense of direction. Finally, it is lunchtime and Tom tells Becky to put on her bonnet and pretend that she is going home but to circle back and meet Tom back at the school. Tom shares a desk with his best friend, Joe Harper, who is just as bored as he is. Critical Essays After hearing voices approach them, the two boys hide in fear; the voices belong to View our essays for The Adventures of Tom Sawyer…In the meantime, Huck has resigned himself to waiting outside the Temperance Tavern, where they suspect Injun Joe is staying. GradeSaver, 10 May 2000 Web. Tom Sawyer is a young boy living with his Aunt Polly on the banks of the Mississippi River. Primarily a humorous writer, Twain also is known for his descriptions of American life in the 19th century. Tom's ideas about courtship are based on what he has read in books. Copyright 2020 by BookRags, Inc. Like black people, Injun Joe was characterized by his ethnicity instead of as an individual. He explains that if a girl and a boy kiss and promise to love each other forever and get married when they grow up, then they are engaged. At school, Becky snubs Tom by paying no heed to his boyish antics. In a brilliant scheme, Tom is able to con the neighborhood boys into completing the chore for him, managing to convince them of the joys of whitewashing.