And so she's going to get him a drink of water, and then he says, "and bring me some food."

And we have a free offer. Typically the number seven represents a complete or perfect cycle.

You remember when Elijah said, "bring even before your son, even before you feed your son, put God first." Our next hymn of praise for this Christmas season is "o come, o come emmanuel," hymn number 115.So this is telling us something about the Gospel going to the gentiles when-- during this famine. We were running on hopeful the whole time. It was a common attire. ” After much pleading Elijah is able to bring her son back to life. And he and his wife just live south of here. You know, one is a believer, one's not a believer.

In lesson 11, we're talking about the widow of zarephath.

When we are obedient he works miracles through us.I have always thought of the Widow as an older lady with a son in his twenties or thirties…Now this image that she may have been a young widow with a little child to care for…and the circumstances in which she may have lost her husband–the famine; This gives depth and enriches the story…I love that “) After all that this woman goes through, her son gets sick and dies (vs.17). Second, God’s mercy extends to all people, both Jews and Gentiles, and the Sidonian widow was blessed for her faith (see Acts 10:34–35).

When that widow obeyed Elijah, and she went back to her home, and she reached in the bottom of the barrel and took out that last handful and made a cake and poured in a little bit of what was left of the oil, when she went back and lifted up the lid of the bin, was there still some there leftover? This is a great study today.And I've got about 7,000 friends on Facebook. Well, if they can be saved without hearing the name of Jesus, then do we need to send missionaries.

But so there was this miracle that God performed, where it kept blessing.

Does an idol have to look like a statue with 20 arms? It always inspires me, these analogies that you find in the Scripture that tell us all about Jesus.

A woman is a symbol for, an allegory for a church.

It says, "then a man came from baal shalisha, and brought the man of God," Elisha, "bread of the firstfruits, twenty loaves of barley bread.Join Pastor Doug’s church for special music, inspiring sermons, and empowering church training.Okay, Matthew 10:37, "he who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and he who loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."
Of course it comes from Kings 17 principally, the story is found there.

And we got there. And he might have had black hair.I mean it's a severe famine. When he believed that something was God's will, he kept praying until it happened. And you pray for a miracle.

The speaker commented on how some people might misconstrue Elijah's request and criticize him for asking for the widow's food when he knew it was all she had. Any Problem that Can be Fixed with Money is not a ProblemThe Greatest Champion Of Woman And Womanhood Is Jesus Christ – James E. TalmageWalking With the Women of the New TestamentJon, also thank you for the link to Elder Robbins talk. "He said, 'give me your son.'
You know, one thing you notice about Elijah is he was tenacious about his prayers. And they kind of try and talk them out of their relationship with the Lord. And she stops in her tracks and she says, "as the Lord--" now she invokes the name of jehovah there.

Probably thirsty. 17:8 Then this message came to Elijiah from the LORD: 9 “Get up, move to Zarephath in Sidon, and stay there. And the ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook." And Elisha said to him, 'give it to the people, that they may eat.Philippians 1:6, and this is from the new king James version. Elisha who ends up getting a double-portion of Elijah's spirit, during another famine. Thank you to our musicians.

Get yours before supplies run out.Download AF Radio App for iPhone or AndroidOn-demand Amazing Facts audio featuring a wealth of spiritual guidance and inspiration.So that question of a drink leads to a whole nation being born. And even after it said, you know, it's empty on the register. And so he places the child back in her arms. It's like Jesus asks for a drink. We appreciate that. Had that happened?

So we're going to be reading Jeremiah 10:8. Isn't the Gospel going to the gentiles during that time, to 1798? [Music] If you have a favorite hymn that you would like to sing with us on a coming Sabbath, I invite you to go to our website at, and there you can click on the "contact us" link.